Rad 140 15mg reddit. 20K subscribers in the SARMs community.

And is 12 weeks good? I hear different opinions about this. 5-8 weeks - 10mg RAD140 + 15mg MK-677 + 10mg Tamoxifen (or 25mg Clomid every other day) Post-cycle blood test. Normal range is <39 pg/ml so northing to write home about. So far rad 140 is the shit. It doesn’t mean much in a sense of which is better (10mg of test would do nothing for example). Also duration of action and half life do NOT go hand in hand. • 1 yr. The main argument behind 10 mg is that you get most of the gains with less sides, and uping the dosage will help with more fat loss. But my rad is 15mg/cap. I am currently in my PCT after a 8 week RAD140 cycle at 10/15mg. Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying its impossible. also I fully plan on taking a pct afterwards and a high quality one at that We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Jan 1, 2024 · RAD 140 as the primary muscle builder, paired with YK11 as a secondary muscle builder and myostatin inhibitor, and lastly MK677 as a GH and IGF-1 secretagogue. It’s cheaper and you get more uses for it. I also stacked MK677 for the duration of the cycle at 10mg a day. weird. The higher the dose the higher potential for sides. My pre blood work was fine. Rad 140 vs mk 2866 suppression. I have read that even 5 mg should be potent enough to give great gains. This cycle is reserved for the pros. [META] Low dose RAD-140 VS. Currently using test and don't get as fatigued during the day as on rad 140. If you want fat loss run SR9011. Im planning to take RAD140 for a 8 week cycle @20mg. Any feed back,questions,or advice will be appreciated although I don’t plan on changing dosages. Feb 13, 2023 · RAD 140’s dosage is typically 10–20 mg. For example, the recommended dose for women is 5-10mg. I would just do an over the counter pct or a good test boost. A bit of water Retention, specifically in lower legs. you may not need to after 8 weeks of rad at 10mg for example- BUT, Some people might, some won’t. LGD is more powerful comparing 10mg of LGD and 10mg of RAD140. 5%. I'm going to keep my dose at 10mg for the entire 8 weeks, as this is my first cycle. I am thinking of starting the Enclomiphene my last week of Rad 140 at 12. Get urs blood ( test,e2,liver enzymes) before cycle. Science based discussion on harm…. Some say to run 8 weeks, 12 weeks and others even say for 16 weeks. Length of cycle + length of PCT off should be around 12 weeks. Apr 11, 2024 · The recommended recreational RAD 140 dosage is between 10 to 30mgs per day. 2. isaacnic. Edit: end of week stats OSTARINE for semi rapid cut advice : r/sarmsourcetalk. Just couldn't really find a question with answers that i'm satisfied with. If you are eating a lot of food you will start seeing gains pretty soon PCT should be 20/20/10/10. Recently I have thought of adding YK-11 since the 4th week of the cycle untill Every day, eod is retarded. If you doubled both compounds, at 30mg ostarine now you are starting to see the effects are not double, but for RAD 10mg 60h/20h = 3. Some unlucky people would get fucked by 10mg ostarine 8 weeks. Rad 140 10 mg + mk 677 15mg for 12 weeks. How would rad 140 help with fat loss, you need to be in a calorific defeciet for that. Hey guys, i'm currently on the 3rd week of a RAD-140 cycle. Thus, in terms of aesthetics and looking in the best condition for the beach or a contest, RAD 140 wins. r/steroids Read the wiki and follow the sub. Did the first week at 10mg then week 2 at 15mg and have now been on 20mg for the past 4 weeks and will stick to that dosage. I was wondering if PCT is required for RAD140, if so what should I do. But the thing is when you dose this high you are probably hurting your body more than you You can do your 150mg/wk trt and add your 15mg rad-140 on top for 6 weeks and call that your cycle if you want. This article will show you exactly how to properly utilize RAD 140 for a bulk or cut and it will also show you the proper dosages to avoid doing PCT. Does anyone have experiences with 5mg RAD-140 and how was it compared to 10mg if you did that as well? Because I'm not sure if I should just do the standard 10mg Archived post. I'd use either rad140 or yk11 and wouldn't stack them. 10-15mg is what I would say is the max someone should take, however bodybuilders, etc love abusing Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. you will bounce back fast or just use proviron to stim testicles. I did 7 mg of RAD 140 for 10 weeks. No sides, strength is up, vascularity is way up, size is there, definitely have a harder look to my muscles. Wanted to follow up with my previous post from last week (which spiked a lot of attention lol). With berberine, B6, P5P, Vitamin E. I am not running a base yet, i will be adding in Enclomiphene as a “test base” just to keep my nuts stimulated & S4 ( to aid in shredding some fat and my total recomp ). However, just because it may be temporary shedding and it may grow back, it will most likely still speed up the miniaturization process of your hair. I personally find the best dosage for me is 25-30mg. 5mg for 2 weeks then taper down to 6. I took 40mg of RAD 140 (DONT do this, i'm an aspiring professional idiot) and it was great. RAD 140 is active at 2mg sublingual. Stacking YK11 at 5 – 10 mg/day with RAD 140 at 15 – 20 mg/day will lead to ridiculous muscle gains. But after cycle it must have for 2weeks min. How’s my physique looking so far? This is my first cycle on sarms. I started with 10mg and upped to 15mg/day for 2 weeks (I plan on doing this for 90 days). 25 for two more weeks. I went from approximately 161 to 168. So was wondering if any of you have started the pct early to combat suppression. Probably not man. But having said that. Already ordered the sarm, but now looking into buying a PCT, should i feel that it is needed. Edit: I’m planning on running the cycle for 6 weeks with Cardarine and possibly Mk677. It's dry, plus anecdotally and study wise gives better results per mg. 10mg of Rad is all you need. I ran exact same cycle, except rad was 20mg. Rad-140 is a whole different ball park. Will the suppression be comparable to what I had on 20 mg of osta for 10 weeks? 50mg Rad-140 a day 6 week cycle. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. thascarecro • 4 yr. 5 mg ostarine for a 8 to 12 - week 1000 kcal -1250 kcal a day cut. Go for 10mg first week or 2 then bump up to 20 of u experience no sides. Users’ stats: Height: unknown; Starting weight: 145 lbs 10mg of LGD is like 20mg of RAD. Should use 500mg/wk test for a first aas cycle. Ostarine if you took 15mg probably would make more gains than only 5mg of RAD. Planning on taking RAD-140 to cut, first time. This is supported by this 4 year old post : However, I have seen people argue against Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Enclomiphene dosage on Rad 140 15mg . Only use 10mg each of RAD and YK, 20mg of RAD I think would be too much as this cycle already is. In contrast, LGD-4033 is a bulkier compound that won’t leave users looking ripped. Not sure if I'll keep it a 30 might go back to 15. First week review of RAD-140 15mg from American Sarms During my first 2-3 days I didn’t really feel anything, but on the 5th day I felt slightly more aggressive and just overall feeling more in the mood to work out. Lost most of my love handles, probably went 15%bf to 12. Sarms dont require a pct generally. But real pct’s (nolvadex and clomid) really shouldn’t be required for rad on 4 weeks. A perfect example of this is Brandon Harding when he used RAD 140. Bench 190 to 225. I just finished a 11. You look great man, happy for you sorry for all the hate. I plan on taking RAD-140 at a dose of 10mg for 8 weeks. 300+ (450/2) = 525. . It will be my first time using chemical enhancements. 300 + (300/2) = 450. 10mg is plenty but if you wanna run 15 then ease into it, do 10 for the first 4 weeks and then do 15 but if you’re doing 15 make sure you have a test base otherwise you’re gonna feel a little shitty from some suppression. Both give different looks, rad-140 might be legal and more accessible. Make sure to have a PCT and HCG to use for after the cycle, them two I’m currently taking 10mg caps for the past 3 weeks, think I’m going to increase to 20 mg next week. Probably not many. Above 10mg may have diminishing returns, greater side effects with minimal boost to HPTA. Then finally, the last 4 weeks of the cycle I ran 10mg of Nolva as well. I’m entering week 4 of 5 mg/day, planning on going 8 weeks and it’s great. Eating at around a 300-500 calorie deficit. I lift 6 days a week (push, pull, legs) with 30 minutes of steady state cardio (140-170 hbpm) after each session. Used 10-15 mg rad 140. 11K subscribers in the rad140 community. The half life of Rad is way longer than most people think. Trim lifting volume back slightly. 5 Rad ed. Short_Ask1755. Bro arimidex wouldnt have any impact on gyno lmao, and im even more in shock no1 yet said that in comments, gyno on RAD is prolactin induced since it doesnt aromatise and if it does its in really small amounts, arimidex would have 0 impact and you would feel like shit, raloxifen or nolvadex work and use them just if gyno starts growing I have tried low dosages of most of the SARMs and IMO running low dosages is a good idea. 50 mg jesus fucking christ. I think running 30mg/day would be too much. Abs most visible in the gym, bench went from 265-300. Even lower than 10-15 mg rad you mentioned. My symptoms were lethargy, depression, mood swings, and anxiety sometimes a headache, and extreme tiredness on some days. Anyone tried 5mg for 8 weeks before? (Instead of the regular 10-20mg dosage) Archived post. Reason being, diminishing effects. However, i have finals two weeks after my cycle ends so I don't want the suppression from rad to prevent me from studying efficiently. yes any amount of sarm can suppress someone but the amount definitely matters despite what these reddit ppl say 💀. I’m always of the opinion of using the minimum effective dose on anything. Dont take nolva if you don't feel suppression on cycle. Jan 16, 2024 · 12 Weeks | Bulk | RAD 140 Only. It suppresses testosterone production, which in turn decreases estrogen because there's no test to aromatize. So far its great and I havent experienced any sides yet except maybe like 10% shrinkage of the nuts lol. WolfmanBTBAM. -7. Cycle was 10mg of Rad140 for the first 4 weeks, then 15mg of Rad140 for the last four weeks. Currently 5'8 200 lbs at around 20% BF considering my first ever cycle. Based on what ive read, it seems that nolva is most recommended. 25mg ED. Ramp up your low-intensity cardio, like walk for 20-30 minutes fasted every single morning, after getting jacked up on ephedrine (Bronk-aid) and strong black coffee. 10mg rad start enclo week 3 and you don’t need to run both nolva and enclo. Rad is toxic whether you take it with or without food but as long as your diet is in check, take liver supps and dont go overboard with the dose or time on cycle you should be fine. RAD140 PCT. No Broscience, No misinformation. EatLiftDie. OSTARINE for semi rapid cut advice. I am planning on doing a 5mg RAD cycle 8 weeks since I did not see a lot of data with "lower" dosages. Reddit User & Source: u/GlobalGains. OSTARINE for semi rapid cut advice : r/sarmsourcetalk. you get the gist of things, hopefully. Will rad-140 or mk677 show up on a lab drug screen, who are My RAD cycle will be 10mg daily for 8 weeks, purchased off Chemyo. For PCT I am thinking of doing Enclo at 6. If anything id say Rad-140 is the best cutting sarm due to it being significantly stronger and it typically gives a higher strength boost. 25 mg ED. I know dosing and I'm not a "newbie" with sarms. I have Enclomiphene on hand (enough for 8 weeks with a dosage of 12. RAD doesn't lower estrogen directly. Rad 140 recommended dose is 10mg for males(yes people do 15-40+) however 10 works better than natural with minimal effects to most other than suppression(and maybe elevated liver enzymes). People run 10-30mg without any problems. Keep nolva on hand if you get gyno. My weight increased from 166 lbs to 174 in those 3 weeks. You will probably have a harder time managing estrogen at 250 than 500. I will be running Rad 140 for 8 weeks at 10mg a day. You can do a 750 calorie deficit. 15mg showed to make my hair fall out at an alarming rate. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S2…. I’d start at 10mg rad. If you have absolutly no sex drive (not even a bit) then do bloods and share it. Also have some Enclomiphene and Nolva. at the end of the 8 weeks My Enclo will go to 12. RAD-140 dosing. A: Most likely no. Just finished 1st bottle 90 caps (30 Days). Available information: This RAD 140 only transformation was achieved in 12 weeks. Rad140 is broscience, no human studies. I'm currently on a cycle of 300mg test, and I'm thinking of bumping this up to 500mg and also introducing 10mg of RAD. Finished my 8 week cycle of RAD-140 yesterday and these are the results. Rad will definitely give you suppression even at 30mg no need for 60 as won't increase gains just sides. The plan would be to use 6. Subreddit for discussion about Rad140. However, RAD 140 seems to be a superior SARM in regards to increased pumps and subcutaneous fat loss. I am 5'9" and 180 pounds, roughly 18% body fat. Do your homework and make an informed decision. nac286 • 3 yr. This will allow you to select the correct dosage for Mini PCT after your cycle. 5 Week 9 - Rad-140 Blood test before the cycle (highly recommended). Hard to fall asleep and its almost like a lucid dream to where I am sleeping I am noticing my heart is beating faster and more hard. However, I gained 12lbs in 6 weeks which I kept and also got massive strength gains. Everyone reacts differently to sarms. So you added 150ish lbs in 6 months. Increase protein and green veggies, at least 200 grams protein per day. Ostarine is typically the weakest sarm. Rad 140 was from fusion supplements off predator nutrition First week seemed great, noticed increased/ amazing pumps after about 3-5 days which seemed like what rad is meant to do. No noticable sides so far, thinking to up the rad to 15 or 20mg for the last 2 weeks and then up enclo to 12. I plan on starting my rad 140 cycle in two weeks @ 5mg for 8 weeks. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 1st cycle - Was advise by my sup shop to start @ 30mg a day of Rad 140 capsules (SP research products) . 1. I have always seen people say "Ostarine is made for New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Did I gain more muscle or fat in those weeks? Rad 140 NO pct. 20K subscribers in the SARMs community. I would personally bet that 15mg rad-140 would produce more muscle compared to 150mg test as 150mg test is high replacement while 15mg rad is a strong performance-enhancing dose, but I would still choose the test tbh if I had to choose. While this doesn’t sound as bad as some of the other advice I’ve read online, there is room for improvement. I'm no expert, and am woefully ignorant of many things in life. SHBG is something to worry about using any non-bioidentical hormone Week 9-10: Enclo 6. Imma do this cycle starting tomorrow i also have raloxifene and tamoxifene for gyno and i have enclo for test base. Don't Fuck around with 250 a week that's a high trt dose. 5mg ed starting at week 3. At about 2 week I noticed quite. So I am about to start my cycle of Rad 140 10mg ED for 8 weeks and MK 677 25mg 5 D on 2 D off for 16 weeks. ran both and got significantly better results than doing solo of RAD or LGD. Is this a good cycle and should i start taking the mk right away alongside the rad? Also i was planning on taking them both at 5 am before work, good idea? I’m about to start rad and mk Have used RAD140 at the commonly touted 10mg dose (extrapolated from the primate studies) and maintained at around this dosing as that study indicated higher doses would not yield anything Had very subpar results (and this is from legit suppliers including science. I was incredibly strong on rad and notice SIGNIFICANT muscle gains during this. • 6 yr. So I have been debating whether to run 5 mg of RAD-140 or 12. 5mg daily) which I plan on using next week (cycle's 4th week). The goal of the cycle was to gain muscle and strength. I def wouldn't take your first day first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. • 4 yr. Squat from 215 or so to 260. RAD-140 2 weeks 15mg ED SIDES+Gains results so far. I dissolved the RAD 140 powder into 50% alcohol and added nothing else at 15mg/ml. 5 MG for 2 weeks. Great in terms of my PRs, body look, and overall stamina. Or check it out in the app stores Week 8 - Rad-140 15mg, MK-677 25mg, Enclo 6. . ago. taking it daily means itll "stack" up so you may have around 15mg (ish) in your system constantly after the 3rd or 4th Hey i need some advice concerning RAD 140 cycle, 10mg for 8 weeks. I've taken RAD 140 on Friday and Saturday morning, 1mg per dose, with about 2 hours between dosing. Proviron and HCG are the sruff u can use for pct not nolvadex. Just finished 6 out of 8 weeks of my first RAD140 cycle. I’ve always been a fairy lean/built dude but this really helped me fill out. 20mg is extreme for your first. Don’t stack Enclo and Nolva, stop the Enclo once you start the Nolva. 5 on 20mg a day. Will plan to get blood test done before and after. But it seems like an incredible outlier in comparison to the average gains from a 6-8 week SARM cycle. Vitamins/supplements were NAC, Berberine (roughly) 735mg Test, 15mg eod RAD-140, 12. 5mg each day of rad for a cut is far superior to 25mg ostarine for a cut, it’s 9 times stronger than ostarine. I’m planning to do an 8 week cycle. with 5mg eod, honestly highly doubtful you’d get suppressed or need pct (or even see results tbh). Reply. If you have minor suppression or more than that eşther let it be on its own. I did this and I'm on week 2. Rad 140 15mg So lately I have been on rad 140 @ 15 mg and I feel more anxious, aggressive which is fine and I can deal with but the sleep is. 6'10"/m/24yo for reference. Ive taken Osta for a 8 week cycle with no PCT required and i experienced no suppression and little side effects. Yeah good point, that’s pretty much what I was expecting from everything online. A male should be doing 15-30 mg, 15 mg is mild even but it is your call at the end of the day, So in 6ish months you increased your dead from 405 max to 550ish 1RM based of 510lbs for 5. Doing a PCT when you don’t need to will be damaging. Keep RAD dosage at no higher than 10mg, if you're tolerating well leave higher dosages (no higher than 15mg is what I'd do) for the last two weeks. In week 6 and my bench has gone up 15kg. Most people gain a few pounds of muscle. It's gonna hit you hard the first couple times you take it. That is because the ostarine isnt yet at the point where the dose gives diminishing returns. Also side effects depend on genetics. 5 week (ran out) 10mg Rad + Enclo cycle and I think weeks 9 and 10 were the best ones. There really is no correct answer. Do bloods. I would be tempted personally to just opt for the 15mg cycle. If you want to then bump it up brotha, I just bumped mine up from 15mg to 20mg for the last two weeks of my cycle. Atleast for me, the suppression is pretty hard by 8 weeks. 250 test plus 10 mg on rad will be a hectic cycle. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS Rad 140 10 mg + mk 677 15mg for 12 weeks 5mg RAD-140 8 weeks. Lol the lower the effective dosage the better. Taking a lower dose will make this process take longer. 100mg * 3 = 300mg per half life taken. small new shoulder veins, more rounding, upper chest striations, pumps feel crazy every single workout on any muscles. This was the best ratio I found (more or less alcohol dissolves worse). Only things out of range worth noting was Estradiol @ 40 pg/ml. I did gain some definition that had been stubborn until then. Is that a normal change in weight. 6 week RAD-140 transformation picture+ update. Rad is insane. I am going to be using NAC for liver support and berberine for insulin sensitivity. Badly supressed. Even start at 5. They said 5 mg is 80% as effective as 8 mg (per day of course). No. This is a natty or juice forum not a brag about your cycle forum dumbass, also I’d say probably natty for that guy. 5 ed MK-677 (first blast) Since I can't find any posts or information on how these doses will interact, thought I would be lab rat for y'all Obviously there's information on similar stuff, especially if you replace RAD-140 with Var, and MK-677 with low dose GH. The half-life of Rad is 64 hours so whether you take 5, 10, or 20mg a day after a certain point your androgen receptors will be fully saturated with rad-140. People with a benzodiazepine addition are almost always put on a long lasting, long half-life, benzo. 25 mg of enclo mid cycle, around when I would up the dose to 15 or 20mg. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sometimes just walking around I would get arm pumps and lat pumps. Today marks the start of my 3rd week on RAD-140 and so far I’ve had a mostly positive experience. Interesting and amazing. I had pretty much no results from my cycle despite some strength gain and 6kg bodyweight but no visible changes. 1-4 weeks SARM only (example 10mg RAD140 ) + 15mg MK-677. I got great results with 7. I have always seen people say "Ostarine is made for Then had a few week off and started Rad140 at 10mg a day. bio and receptorchem). I reserve the right to be proven wrong. Many take higher than 10mg, but there is good evidence that 10mg is a very efficacious dose which offers less side effects. You can take it every day but the side effects (headaches and all that jazz) happen then and yes you will still get gains. I would also only use the YK during the second half of the cycle. Start from 10 mg rad than increase gradually to 20mg. I had a few questions though before jumping in. With Nolvadex on deck in case I Good info m8, I’m on my 3rd week today of a stack MK-677 LDG and RAD - 140, using a product venom black mamba and am highly confident this is a LEGIT product (UK) but really have no changes not much strength increase, no physical changes. You could’ve done that naturally but you just raped your liver. The YK11 will work synergistically with RAD Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. KenBestStalker. If you experience sides on 20 then jump back down to 10 or 15. My total testosterone is 497 ng/dl and free Can I take 60 mg of rad 140? I’m taking 30 right now and it’s having an effect but… it just doesn’t feel like enough and yes, it’s real rad - 140 I have significant strength and energy gains but… just doesn’t seem like enough. week 6 rad 140 10mg ED, 4 weeks of Enclo 6. Hey all, I’m thinking about starting a RAD 140 cycle later this summer for a clean bulk. You might get hit with a little insomnia when you bump it up but as long as things are going smooth at the moment you do you. I do 20/20/10/10 tamoxifen (nolva) as PCT. I take it every three days myself 15 mg with 200 mg of test cypionate a week and enclomiphene. pumps have been great. Far too high run 10mg max. 5) but I wanted to get some opinions. 5mg for 2 weeks, and then 6. But test is even better, bioidentical and massive literature on side effects and treatment. Week 11-12: Enclo 6. Definite visual body and weight improvements. What do you recommend as first cycle, 5 or 10mg? and what cind of PCT should I take? First Cycle RAD 140. Don’t take rad EOD it’s a 24 hour half life… the study that said it was 60 hours was 100mg. Might as well take anavar instead, rad140 is more toxic on your liver. If you feel fine Good gains buddy , I would have suggested starting with 5mg rad and 10 mg mk 677 , then in week 3 introduce 20mg MK677 taken twice a day , upon waking up and before going to sleep , if you could split the mk by 3 for 3 doses in a day it would be best that way you'll have a constant pulsatile release for 8 hour periods of time and 10mg rad pre workout. That’s why you see so much conflicting information. Second time running rad, first one went well, felt suppressed towards the end though. I do 8-10 max and get great results with low sides. There is a pretty big jump in the efficacy from 10-15mg based on people's cycle logs. Ofc PCT is based on the level of suppression I experience but I am fairly new to the SARMS game 4 weeks is way too soon to start another cycle. 6 day a week workout with 2- 3 days cardio. As the title says, I’m planning on taking a 5mg dose of Rad-140 (I will up the dosage to maximum 15mg if needed) and I am curious if I even need to PCT with this dosage. 250mg/we really isn't worth it. First week was 10mg for RAD-140, and i've upped the dosage of RAD to 15mg. Honestly Rad-140 is probably the best sarm regardless. Dosage for RAD 140. Cut hard-ish. How would you recommend taking rad 140? I thought of trying 5mg/day for 6 weeks , but I heard RAD-140 half life is 60 hours, so isn't it better to take every 2 days ? Taking it daily sound like a waste to me. 25mg EOD. Hey guys planning on running rad140 for 8 weeks. My plan is to run 10 mg everyday for 8 weeks. I didn't have a test base when I did RAD, so I felt pretty horrible after a few weeks. I have never done a cycle before and i have been lifting for 10 years and always been natty. You'll be on exogenous testosterone and on top of that RAD suppresses shbg which will lead to higher free testosterone and therefore MORE test to aromatize to estrogen. A lot of my friends were commenting on my size. Definitely will see better results with this stack than just running one at a time. 5 mg Rad = 45mg 10mg RAD 140. 3 months is an extensive cycle. Or check it out in the app stores rad 140 15mg ed ( day 17 ), noticing way better pumps + more Animal pak for multivitamin and liver support Animal flex for joints Rad 140 15mg Osta mk-2866 15mg Cardarine 15mg I’ll be posting updates weekly and plan on running this for 8 weeks. Everyone’s dosage is usually between 10-20 mg (some between 5-7. Archived post. 300mg test + 15mg LGD-4033. 3. Feel fine with slight fatigue but stacking with fat burner so compensates any fatigue. Lower dose for longer. It’s why some people might might choose LGD to save money. 3 week progress check on rad 140 @ 15mg. I won't be running sarms again because it was very underwhelming. (Search it up on youtube, he showed hair lost of on cycle and then the regrowth). 5 ed 2 weeks after. My pumps were so big it almost hurt. The user took 10 mg/day of RAD 140 in the first 8 weeks, and 20 mg/day in the final 4. This "fighting over androgen receptors" is an annoying thing people try to push down your throat. Goal is to be around 10-13% BF at around 175-185 lbs. I had severe suppression, my bloodwork showed testosterone level of only 28 after Rad. I was really wondering if there would be some sort of transactional effect between the two compounds… but since they’re both so different in even hormonal response I’m assuming that switching over to ostarine will just ruin the point of running rad for 4 wks. 6 weeks into 15mg RAD140/10mg mk677 ed Started 250lbs, recomped to 256lbs. Some people claim there are diminishing returns while running it over 20mg, while others claim it is dose dependent and that 25-30mg shows a dramatic increase in gains. Also, my testosterone is 743 ng/dL and I’m 28 if that matters. I personally wouldn’t. I’m currently running 10mg of RAD and 25mg of MK677. bk nw jh ad ag hi of an wq yq  Banner