Delphi basics string.

Notes: Warning: you should ideally use AnsiPos instead of Pos since the former supports wide character sets. : Related commands The AnsiMatchStr function checks to see if any of the strings in StringList exactly match the Source string. It can hold anything but structured data and pointers. This sorting can be by any criteria you choose. Optionally, the extracted section length can be limited to a maximum of Count characters. It supports +ve and -ve numbers, and hexadecimal numbers, as prefixed by $ or 0x . 23400000000000E+0001 Specifying a Width guarantees that the output string will be at least that wide, with left blank padding added as appropriate. The decimal point and digits are only displayed if non-zero. 2. Note that for Delphi 7 and possibly other versions of Delphi, you may omit the 0 before the x for hexadecimal values. Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string: LongTimeFormat: Long version of the time to string format: ShortDateFormat: Compact version of the date to string format: StrToDate: Converts a date string into a TDateTime value: StrToDateTime: Converts a date+time string into a TDateTime value: StrToTime: Converts a time string into a The TimeToStr function converts a TDateTime value Time into a formatted time string. The Pos function finds the position of one string Needle within another HayStack. Net treat strings as starting at 0, unlike traditional Delphi where they started at 1. The CurrencyDecimals does not affect this function. The approach taken is to present the most useable basics of Delphi Programming in as accessible a manner as The AnsiContainsStr function looks for a Needle string in a Haystack string, returning true if it finds it. The StringToWideChar function converts a string SourceString into a WideString. The Formatting string (or array of strings) provides the desired formatting of the Double value. And resort by other criteria later. It limits itself to a broad base of the language in order to keep things simple and manageable. Notes: Note that strings start at position 1. Notes: Very Important: Methods in . The currency string used in currency display functions: DecimalSeparator: The character used to display the decimal point: FloatToStrF: Convert a floating point value to a string with formatting: Format: Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string: FormatCurr: Rich formatting of a currency value into a string: FormatDateTime Treat string types as AnsiString or ShortString: AnsiCompareStr: Compare two strings for equality: AnsiLowerCase: Change upper case characters in a string to lower case: AnsiPos: Find the position of one string in another: AnsiString: A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars: AnsiUpperCase: Change lower case characters in a string to upper Mar 18, 2015 · Is there a built-in function in delphi to find if a string contains a substring, but not at the end? For example suppose I have these strings: G15001, G15005, G15015, G14015, G14004, PLU15010, PL Description: The CurrToStr function converts a currency Value into a displayable string. The approach taken is to present the most useable basics of Delphi Programming in as accessible a manner as The first, date part of the string must adhere to the format of the ShortDateFormat value, and use the DateSeparator character to separate the day, month and year values. When a string is no longer referenced (the last AnsiString referer is set to nil), it is discarded. Concat. This formatting is best explained by the example code. : Related commands It gives an introduction to the Delphi Object Oriented Language for newcomers, and provides a ready reference for experienced programmers. 2E9. The StrToIntDef function converts an Integer string, IntegerString such as '123' into an Integer value, with a Default if the conversion fails. Static methods are not methods of an object - they are simply class functions or procedures available at any time. Do not confuse with enumerations - they can only adopt one value. Delimiter property Used to separate strings when using DelimitedText. It supports +ve and -ve numbers, and hexadecimal numbers, as prefixed by $ or 0x. System. The AnsiStartsStr function looks for a Needle string at the start of a Haystack string, returning true if it finds it. Create a copy of part of a string or an array. The scan starts at the beginning and continues until either the Needle is found, or the string is exhausted. Related commands The FloatToStr function converts a floating point number Value into a displayable string. Related commands Description: The SetLength procedure changes the size of a string, single dimensional dynamic array, or multidimensional dynamic array. A simple example; program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} var strA : String; Change upper case characters in a string to lower case: AnsiPos: Find the position of one string in another: AnsiUpperCase: Change lower case characters in a string to upper case: Concat: Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string Delphi Basics: PString Type: Pointer to a String value: System unit: type PString = ^String; Description: The PString type is a pointer to an String value. String Extracts characters from the right of a string Function : AnsiStartsStr : Returns true if a string starts with a substring Function : AnsiUpperCase : Change lower case characters in a string to upper case Procedure : AppendStr : Concatenate one string onto the end of another Function : CompareStr : Compare two strings to see which is greater Example code : Appending a line of text to an existing file; var myFile : TextFile; text : string; begin // Try to open the Test. : Notes: Use TrimLeft or TrimRight to limit the operation to just one end of the string. For example, the list may contain a set of objects that have string and number fields. Description: The DupeString function creates a string containing a sequence of Count copies of a Source string. The Formatting string (or array of strings) provides the desired formatting of the Int64 value. The formatting value has the following syntax : FormattingChar The currency string used in currency display functions: CurrToStrF: Convert a currency value to a string with formatting: DecimalSeparator: The character used to display the decimal point: FloatToStrF: Convert a floating point value to a string with formatting: FormatCurr: Rich formatting of a currency value into a string: FormatDateTime Delete a section of characters from a string: AnsiLeftStr: Extracts characters from the left of a string: AnsiMidStr: Returns a substring from the middle characters of a string: AnsiRightStr: Extracts characters from the right of a string: Trim: Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string: TrimLeft: Removes leading blanks from a string The Formatting parameter defines how the Data array is manipulated into the returned string. Like a lot of string methods, the string object itself is not affected - the modified string is returned for assignment. A simple example; program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} var strA : String; Description: The CurrToStr function converts a currency Value into a displayable string. Related commands Mar 30, 2022 · Also, Delphi has a StrUtils. If the length is -1, then teh string is simply inserted, and does not replace any characters. Copy. It is normally used for display purposes. Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StringOfChar: Creates a string with one character repeated many times: StringReplace: Replace one or more substrings found within a string Description: The StrToTime function attempts to convert a time as a string Date into a TDateTime value. Formatting is defined by the Formatting string. The Value type may be any of the floating point types. Description: The Char type is a simple variable type used to hold a single character. Replaces a part of one string with another: Concat: Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StuffString: Replaces a part of one Delphi Basics: Trim Function: Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string: SysUtils unit: 1: function Trim(const Text String):String; 2: See full list on docwiki. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented characters. Flavours 3 and 4 are static methods of the String class - meaning that you run the method standalone rather than against a string object. Function. Description: The Variant data type provides a flexible general purpose data type. Microsoft MSDN Links: System System. Replaces a part of one string with another: Concat: Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StuffString: Replaces a part of one Defines currency string placement in curr display functions: CurrencyString: The currency string used in currency display functions: DecimalSeparator: The character used to display the decimal point: FloatToStr: Convert a floating point value to a string: NegCurrFormat: Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays: TFloatFormat Delete a section of characters from a string: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StringOfChar: Creates a string with one character repeated many times: StringReplace: Replace one or more substrings found within a string: WrapText: Add line feeds into a string to simulate word wrap The FormatDateTime function provides rich formatting of a TDateTime value DateTime into a string. The scan can be forced to commence from the Start character, and can be limited to Count scan characters. A 64 bit sized integer - the largest in Delphi: IntToStr: Convert an integer into a string: StrToInt: Convert an integer string into an Integer value: StrToInt64Def: Convert a string into an Int64 value with default: StrToIntDef: Convert a string into an Integer value with default The StringToWideChar function converts a string SourceString into a WideString. The string list can be specified as a square bracket delimited list, as in the example, or as an array of strings. Values before the decimal point (the mantissa) exceeding the display capacity (15) result in a display using the exponent value, such as 1. The Formatting string can comprise a mix of ordinary characters (that are passed unchanged to the result string), and data formatting characters. It has two forms : the latter supporting very large integers. Related commands The ToString method concerts the current Int64 value into a string representation. The search is case sensitive. Notes: It is not guaranteed to be 1 byte in size - use AnsiChar if this is what you want. Notes: Like a lot of string methods, the string object itself is not affected - the modified string is returned for assignment. Replaces a part of one string with another: Concat: Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StuffString: Replaces a part of one Apr 29, 2016 · I realise you have accepted an answer, but for future reference, the terms in your if tests are the wrong way around. Names property Strings in a string list can be treated as name/value pairs, as in the second In particular, TList objects can be sorted. Version 1 When changing the size of a string StringToChange, the new size NewLength may be smaller, the same or larger than the existing string. It then copies TargetSize -1 characters from there to the TargetBuffer , adding a terminating 0 to the end. : Related commands Function. Replaces a part of one string with another: Concat: Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StringOfChar: Creates a string with one character repeated many times: StringReplace Delphi Basics: AnsiContainsText Function: Returns true if a string contains a substring, case insensitive: StrUtils unit: function AnsiContainsText(const Haystack, Description: The Trim function removes blank and control characters (such as line feed) from the start and end of a string. The time is formatted using the LongTimeFormat value, which in turn uses the TimeSeparator value. If the string is already = Length then it is returned unchanged. Replaces a part of one string with another: Concat: Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StringOfChar: Creates a string with one character repeated many times: StringReplace Defines currency string placement in curr display functions: CurrToStrF: Convert a currency value to a string with formatting: DecimalSeparator: The character used to display the decimal point: Format: Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string: NegCurrFormat: Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays: ThousandSeparator Delphi Basics: Length Function: Return the number of elements in an array or string // Display one letter at a time from the short string for i := 1 to Length Change upper case characters in a string to lower case: AnsiPos: Find the position of one string in another: AnsiUpperCase: Change lower case characters in a string to upper case: Concat: Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string: DupeString: Creates a string containing copies of a substring: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: SetString The scan starts at the beginning and continues until either a character is found, or the string is exhausted. Otherwise false. A simple example; program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} var strA : String; ( CharArray:Array of CharCharArray: Array of Char; Count: Integer; ) : Array of String; CF : Methods with this mark are Compact Framework Compatible Description The Str procedure converts an integer or floating point Number into a string, with optional basic formatting control. It gives an introduction to the Delphi Object Oriented Language for beginners, and provides reference for experienced programmers. CompareText. The sample code shows such a sort. It attempts to return the rightmost Count characters from Source. Microsoft Delete a section of characters from a string: AnsiMidStr: Returns a substring from the middle characters of a string: AnsiLeftStr: Extracts characters from the left of a string: AnsiRightStr: Extracts characters from the right of a string: Trim: Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string: TrimRight: Removes trailing blanks from a string Strings containing embedded blanks must be enclosed in the QuoteChar (default is "). The StrToInt function converts an Integer string, IntegerString such as '123' into an Integer. Version 2 of this function is for use within threads. You could sort the list by string, number, both, ascending or descending as you wish. The formatting value has the following syntax : The StuffString function inserts a SubString into another string, replacing Length characters at position Start. Names property Strings in a string list can be treated as name/value pairs, as in the second Change upper case characters in a string to lower case: AnsiPos: Find the position of one string in another: AnsiUpperCase: Change lower case characters in a string to upper case: Concat: Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string Delphi Basics - Free Delphi Source Code - Ultimate Programming Resource. For example : description : string[20]; because Delphi must know the precise amount of storage to allocate to that field in the record. This is an example of Delphi managing storage on your behalf. If any match, true is found, otherwise false is returned. Case (Variant) field sections Description: The AnsiRightStr extracts characters from the right of a string. txt file for writing to String types can be mixed in assignments and expressions; the compiler automatically performs required conversions. If the string is not found, 0 is returned. It can be assigned from a character constant, or an integer. LeftStr() function to extract a substring from the left-hand edge of a string, eg: var Ramoativ : String; P: Integer; filteredRamoativ: String; begin Ramoativ := ; The AnsiPos function looks for a substring Needle in a string HayStack, returning the position in the string of the first occurence. com Returns a new string containing the section of the current string statring at index position Start. Related commands Description: The AnsiReverseString function returns the Source string with its characters reversed. This formatting is best explained by the Treat string types as AnsiString or ShortString: AnsiCompareStr: Compare two strings for equality: AnsiLowerCase: Change upper case characters in a string to lower case: AnsiPos: Find the position of one string in another: AnsiString: A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars: AnsiUpperCase: Change lower case characters in a string to upper Flavours 1 and 2 of the Equals method are methods of a string object. QuoteChar property Used to enclose strings that have embedded blanks when using DelimitedText. String . embarcadero. String Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StringOfChar: Creates a string with one character repeated many times: StringReplace: Replace one or more substrings found within a string The StuffString function inserts a SubString into another string, replacing Length characters at position Start. Delphi data types Numbers Text (strings and chars) Sets and enumerations Arrays Records Programming logic Looping SubRoutines Exception handling Dates and times Files Pointers Printing text and graphics Object Orientation basics Memory leaks! Inheritance Abstraction Interfaces An example class: References: Standard components: Articles: A brief Delphi data types Numbers Text (strings and chars) Sets and enumerations Arrays Records Programming logic Looping SubRoutines Exception handling Dates and times Files Pointers Printing text and graphics Object Orientation basics Memory leaks! Inheritance Abstraction Interfaces An example class: References: Standard components: Articles: A brief Very Important: Methods in . The time string must adhere to the format of the LongTimeFormat value, and use the TimeSeparator character to separate the hour, minute and second values. Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StringReplace: Replace one or more substrings found within a string: StuffString: Replaces a part of one string with another System. Related commands Replaces a part of one string with another: Concat: Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StuffString: Replaces a part of one Description: The Set keyword defines an set type for up to 255 discrete values. The second, time part, separated by a blank from the date must adhere to the format of the LongTimeFormat value, and use the TimeSeparator character to separate the hour Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StringOfChar: Creates a string with one character repeated many times: StringReplace: Replace one or more substrings found within a string Concatenates one or more strings into one string: Copy: Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StringOfChar: Creates a string with one character repeated many times: StringReplace: Replace one or more substrings found within a string Create a copy of part of a string or an array: Delete: Delete a section of characters from a string: Insert: Insert a string into another string: Move: Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination: StringOfChar: Creates a string with one character repeated many times: StringReplace: Replace one or more substrings found within a string The DateTimeToString procedure provides rich formatting of a TDateTime value DateTime into a string Result. These are standard Delphi variable declarations, such as : size : Integer; with the exception that their size must be defined. The ToString method concerts the current Double value into a string representation. Microsoft MSDN Links: system system. Delphi Basics website provides help and reference for the fundamentals of the Delphi language. Notes Strings containing embedded blanks must be enclosed in the QuoteChar (default is "). Notes: Strings are indexed from 1 (arrays from 0). It gives an introduction to the Delphi Object Oriented Language for newcomers, and provides a ready reference for experienced programmers. In this case, the two strings (or string objects) are passed as parameters. Related commands The AnsiPos function looks for a substring Needle in a string HayStack, returning the position in the string of the first occurence. String. EndsWith method. Concatenates one or more strings into one string. If Count exceeds the size of the source, the whole of source is returned. But use with care - there are penalties in performance, potentials for run time errors and poor code clarity when using Variants. By default, with no parameters, it is equivalent to ToString('G') - 'General' formatting is carried. The IntToStr function converts an Integer Number or Int64 BigNumber into a string. But when the second string is changed, new storage is obtained for this new string, and the reference count for the first string is decremented. Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case. Strings can be explicitly cast to a different string type. The value is displayed to 15 digits of precision. The AnsiPos function looks for a substring Needle in a string HayStack, returning the position in the string of the first occurence. Calling StrToInt will fail with an exception if aValue[i] is a letter, so you should test that first and only call StrToInt if the letter test fails. A set variable always holds all set values - some are set on, some are set off. But strings passed by reference to a function or procedure (as the var and out parameters) must be of the appropriate type. Very Important: Methods in . The string is padded on the left with the pad character to make the whole string length match the required Length. StartsWith method. It is a Case sensitive command. By default, floating point numbers are shown in Exponential format, as here: 1. so ut ov im lp if tq ov jm uh