Can i talk to my fiance before marriage in islam. Your number one priority is your Lord.

The Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam has said that whomsoever commits illegal sexual intercourse or consumes alcohol Allah shall extract from him the Iman (faith) just as how a person removes his clothes Jul 4, 2007 · Fataawa Islamiyyah (3/247). not being forced to), and with no doubt of marriage (i. Men and women shouldn’t mix. In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, According to Shariah, engaged couples are regarded to be strangers for one another before marriage. Whoever makes repentance and seeks forgiveness, Allah has promised that He will Aug 6, 2023 · Your talk with your fiancée is like any other talk. Original Dec 27, 2016 · Thus, Islam recommends that potential marriage partners see one another before proposing marriage. Premarital relations are not allowed in Islam. Based on this, it is not permissible for him to be alone with her, travel with her, touch her, or kiss her. za, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior Feb 7, 2016 · Marriage is the process of two people coming together onto one life path for the ultimate goal of pleasing Allah and it is one of the most intimate relationships we can have with another person. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best Moulana Imraan Vawda FATWA DEPT. Secondly: A person cannot be blamed for love that he does not cause, such as if he sees a girl by accident and his heart is filled with love for her, but he does not do anything haram Answer. You cannot hug or even touch your girl friend before marriage, it is forbidden (haram). Islam emphasizes the preservation of lineage and honor. Islam believes the choice of a marriage partner is one of the most important decisions a person will make in his or her lifetime. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. Jun 29, 2021 · Access course materials, Test your knowledge & Get certified for FREE at https://ilmine. Once a nikah takes place, it is permissible for the married couple to enjoy Dec 30, 2023 · On the other hand, members of the opposite sex are forbidden from persistently looking at each other or their pictures, for it might lead to illicit thoughts and desires. Dear Sister, I pray this message finds you in good health and iman. GOD knows that you will think about them. Having sex before marriage is Apr 15, 2024 · In Islam, engaged couples are considered strangers before marriage, and all normal gender interaction rules apply. Jan 2, 2021 · In response to your second question, yes, there are many Muslims in Sweden and several mosques and Islamic centers. Mar 28, 2024 · Can You Talk to Your Girlfriends During Ramadan? No, you cannot. He should not look at these body parts. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. These same rules apply to interaction with a fiancé because a nikah has not yet occurred: Any intimate contact or conversation is haram before marriage, as clearly established by the Qur’an and Sunna and the consensus of the scholars of Community of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace). The wife has as much right to expect that her sexual needs are fulfilled as the husband. Islam encourages pre-marriage conversations while promoting chastity, modesty, and good intentions. Do not consummate the marriage until their interim is fulfilled. May 22, 2002 · Answer. Meeting a spouse before marriage is wholly permitted and allowed if done with the right intentions and appropriately. It will be permissible to be married to him, thus giving it will be necessary that he be treated in the exact same manner as total stranger would be. Aug 28, 2017 · For instance, you can not talk to her in private or she should not make her voice sound soft and pleasant artificially. Answer No, it is not permissible to talk to her. Hence, it is not permissible to speak to one's fiance before marriage. God created sex not only for procreation but to fulfil humankinds The opinion of the salaf (early generations of Islam) should be understood on the basis that (covering in front of non-Muslim women) is preferable, but it is not obligatory. May 18, 2023 · All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. . Posted by asia_b • May 15, 2011 • Printer-friendly. Marriage has a huge importance in Islam. ” (Tafseer al-Aloosi, 19/143). Part of physical wellbeing includes sexual wellbeing and health. can you please outline in detail the laws Islam has laid out for us when going to see a potential spouse. He will never break your heart, never leave you, never disappoint you and continue to shower blessings on you whether you deserve them or not. Don’t Rush to a Proposal. The same message repeated for women, as Allah says in the Holy Quran in Sep 25, 2023 · 1. 13791 . Nov 21, 1998 · Islam commands us to lower our gaze and forbids looking at non-mahram women. It should not be taken lightly, nor left to chance or hormones. Nov 18, 2023 · Q: Can I talk to my fiance before marriage in Islam?A: All types of premarital contact is impermissible. However, if they do choose to be intimate with each other then the full rights of the wife become due upon the husband such as Nov 24, 2001 · Answer. Please explain if you had used your hands to masturbate or not. “And it is among His signs that He has created for you wives from among yourselves, so that you may If you’re not married, you can also learn can i kiss my fiance before marriage in islam. If she is my girlfriend and in future Insha allah I will marry her, then would she be a halaal wife? Your husband going behind your back and speaking about marriage to another woman is already a form of emotional infidelity. Answer. Feb 22, 2022 · Islamic marriages have responsibilities and rights which aim to protect and respect the husband, wife, and their family unlike dating. It was narrated that Jabir said: The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Fear Allah with regard to women, for you have taken them as a trust from Allah, and intimacy with them Jul 2, 2024 · 3. This is what is indicated by the saheeh ahaadeeth. The Hadeeth explains: It is narrated from Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah (Radhiyallaahu Anhu) that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: The main difference between engagement and nikah is that engagement in Islam is a promise made to express your willingness for marriage. Almighty Allah knows best. If by “engaged,” you are referring to the Arab practice of katb al-kitab, then it is lawful for the couple to engage in intimate contact because they are, technically, married. All physical contact with a person of the opposite gender is haram until you get married to them. 223] (2) The basis of all relations, including marriage, is mutual agreement (taradi ANSWER. They must be protected because premarital relationships can affect marriage. You are allowed to look for certain aspects. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. [1] However, in accepting the rukhsati for a later A: All forms of premarital communication and relationship is haraam and impermissible. I suggest that you contact the center and explain your situation to them. A man and his fiancée are not married ; rather she is still a “stranger” (non-Mahram) to him until the marriage contract is completed. If a man has seen enough of his fiancée, within the limits set by Islam, to enable him to decide whether to go ahead with the marriage or not, then it is not permissible for her to uncover any part of her body in front of him until after the nikaah. co. 3- Not to subject oneself to Fitnah. Her being engaged to you does not change the rulings. When a nikaah takes place, the husband and wife are permissible for each other. 5- The woman should be wearing full Hijab and be modest. Nor is it haram to feel the desire to attach before marriage, but that feeling accompanies good feelings in interactions between men and women. ” (33:33) It would not Mar 29, 2011 · In Islam, having a girlfriend or boyfriend relationship is prohibited (haram). Some of the key Muslim dating rules include no physical contact, no sex talk, no sex before marriage, taking things slow, and dating with a chaperone. Fiance is Not a Husband. A. Answered by: We should not forget another important matter, which is that after the marriage ceremony (nikaah) and before the wedding night (when the marriage is celebrated and consummated), the woman has ample opportunity to get to know the man's character up close and to make sure about him, because now it is permissible for her to be alone with him and According to the majority opinion of Islamic scholars, the Western concept of dating is haram before marriage. A person who frequently imagines something and wishes for it will inevitably develop the motive to Apr 11, 2015 · Based on the Quran, Prophetic teachings and scholarly wisdom, find out how we can all have marriages that fulfill the worldly and spiritual potential of what the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) referred to as “half the religion. Description: Islam encourages marriage and prohibits pre-marital and extra-marital relationships. We ask Allaah to accept your repentance and to forgive you, by His grace and mercy. ” Then he said: “This view is easier for people today, for Muslim woman can hardly observe hijaab in front of dhimmi women. For this reason, those who are engaged are regarded as namahram (not a close relative) for each other and they cannot be together unless there is a mahram (so closely related by blood that marriage with him/her is forbidden) person with them. (See also question # 2246 and # 2572 ). Is keeping a relationship considered as halaal, or allowed if I want to truly marry her Insha Allah. Wudhu or Ghusl is Mustahabb after committing a sin. As such, sexual relations are a right of both The summary of their answer is (source): It is haram for a man to have a girlfriend and it is haram for a woman to have a boyfriend. Nov 4, 2023 · Turn to Allah. Between individuals who can marry each other (ghayr mahram), such direct expressions of intimacy should be avoided. Is it a sin to sleep with your boyfriend before marriage in Islam? Answer: Sex before marriage is fornication. 6- Not to go beyond what Conclusion. 85335 . So marry the one who is best in the religion and character and prosper". Islam is a holistic way of life. This type of dating is not permissible, as one is getting close to a non-mahram in the wrong way beyond the scope of the sharia. May 10, 2024 · Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Islamic limits apply over the phone, too. Allah Most High, First. Islam has named marriage as a religious duty, commitment, and moral safeguard. The general principle is that: (1) All sexual practices are permissible, besides the specifically prohibited (such as anal sex) or harmful. It is permissible for a male and female to speak to each other with the intention of getting married. Dating with the aim of finding your life partner. Jan 15, 2002 · Allah Says (what means): { And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. It is not necessary for the wife to perform Ghusl. According to Shari`ah principle, that which leads to haram (unlawful) is deemed as haram. Engagement happened before marriage, it's enough to state that your fiance is not your husband. Let’s put Allah Most High back on top. 2- There is nothing wrong in talking to a prospective marriage partner. Do not meet them secretly, unless you have something righteous to discuss. Specifically, you may not touch him and you may not be alone with him. Therefore, expressing oneself in a loving manner with your "partner" before nikah is haram. org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa. Related. By getting to know each other before marriage, couples can establish a stronger foundation May 15, 2011 · Islamic rule on talking to your fiance. However, if rukhsati has been deferred, it generally refers to the husband and wife agreeing to stay apart for some time due to personal circumstances. ”. A man is permitted to look at the woman to whom he wishes to propose marriage, even without her permission or knowledge. have absolutely no legal basis in Islam, and it is not permissible for a believer who sincerely believes in Allah and the Last Day to privately talk or meet casually with non-mehram women without Keep contact to a minimum as best you can, and pray two cycles of the prayer of thankfulness and need daily– praying that Allah gives you a beautiful life together and save you from the impermissible before and during marriage. If these guidelines are met, especially the stipulation that there be no risk of provoking desire and if there is a need to speak to her, then it is permissible. Islam means submission, and it is forbidden to talk and see a strange girl, as her hair is included in the satr covering which is fardh on her. To make myself clear: it is not haram to feel good feelings before marriage. [1] In that time, the husband will not be responsible for This Hadith should be considered even in the private relationship between the husband and wife. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Source Link. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Therefore, it will not be permissible to interact with one’s fiancé informally, whether this is over the phone, e Assalam o Alaikum Mufti Sahab, My question is that am i allowed to do sex with my wife only after NIKAH not RUKHSATI. In conclusion, it is entirely permissible for Muslims to talk before marriage as long as it is done in a rightful, respectful, and healthy way. It is haraam. There are no marriage rights during this period of engagement. There are guidelines that have to do with speaking to one’s fiancée, details of which may be found in Question no. Ibn ‘Ata’illah said, “Whosoever’s beginning is illuminated, their ending is illuminated. Assalamuwalekum, Can I speak to my fiance on mobile with the prior permission of our parent’s ? Usually I talk to him just like a good friend in private, cause I’m not staying at home right now. Jan 16, 2012 · The wise woman will not put the friendship of a woman before her role as a wife who is happy with her husband and children in the marital home. This promise is witnessed by the parents and close family members and later on, it is fulfilled by the parties. prohibited. ” [Qur’an, 2. One should exercise restraint. It should be taken as seriously as any other major decision in life—with prayer, careful investigation, and family involvement. . It is haram for a man to have a girlfriend and it is haram for a woman to have a boyfriend. That is purer for them. Emily Jamea, PhD, a Texas-based sex and relationship therapist, says that plenty of well-meaning couples don't know what to talk about before getting engaged. May 9, 2021 · Dating. za, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior The only legal relationship between a non-mehram man and woman is formed through the sacred institution of Nikaah in Islam; engagements, fiancé, etc. ” Engagement in Islam is simply a commitment or promise to marry at a future date or time. 6. According to Islam, it is impermissible for you to live with your fiancé. And If no can he talk to her about the marriage and can he say that I LOVE YOU. Yes, it is haram to kiss on the cheek before marriage in Islam. Having romantic or sexual relationships outside of marriage goes against these values. As for other sexual acts of Aug 27, 2023 · It is permissible for you both to talk to each other, as you are husband and wife. An engagement is a commitment to marry in the future. Gender interaction with the fiance. If you are at a loss for things to discuss, consider sharing what you are learning through your daily reading of the Holy Quran to refocus your relationship back to the basics of your faith. Not only would the actual intimate contact (such as the sexual phone talk) be haram, but the means that lead to the Feb 23, 2024 · Is it halal to kiss a girl before marriage? Islam forbids any kind of pre-marital relations. "The idea of dating, to my mom, is basically haram Is it permissible in Islam to talk on the phone before marriage? A: It is not permissible for a male to be in contact or to speak casually with a na mahram female. Dear Brother / Sister, Engagement is not a marriage agreement, but it is a marriage promise. Of course, we should not contact even with fiance. Apr 15, 2024 · In Islam, sex outside of marriage is forbidden. Islam teaches that modesty, purity, and avoiding temptation are important. What is impermissible is for the male and female to be alone with each other, to have suggestive conversation, and to Nov 30, 2016 · Question: Assalam aleykum. 1. As such, all the normal rules of gender interaction would apply. Dec 2, 2021 · [2:235] You commit no sin by announcing your engagement to the women, or keeping it secret. May 12, 2014 · Fahad Faruqui had an in depth discussion with a leading American-Muslim scholar Imam Zaid Shakir, a senior faculty member of Zaytuna College, about marriage, polygamy, temporary marriages and divorce, in attempt to tease out the true spirit of love, romance and marriage in Islam. Pray your obligatory prayers on time, and avoid the haram. He is also ready at every moment to accept repentance. Counselling. Many young Muslims often struggle with this concept as it is a common Answer. No, it is haram to kiss your fiance before marriage in Islam. Make tawba for having crossed the limits of getting close to a girl, and tell her that you will pursue marriage or end it. | Is Engagement Ring Permissible? Answer. Read answers with similar topics: (1)Can A Muslim Man Have a sex with a girl before marriage to show her that he love her. This is allowed even if one fears sexual desire (shahwa), given the seriousness of the situation. In truth, Islam teaches us love is kind, nourishing and pure. So what you can do is to meet her with the presence of a third person or two. In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, It is permitted, rather recommended, to look at a prospective fiancé before marriage provided one is seriously contemplating marriage. Islam teaches that modesty, purity, and Apr 20, 2017 · Mia, a 20-year-old Ethiopian-American college student who has shied away from having sex with her boyfriend of almost a year, can attest to this. Make Your Feb 26, 2009 · The Answer. In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, The right to sexual fulfilment belongs to both the husband and wife, and it is wrong to assume that in Islam only the husband has this privilege. 2. There are, however, certain exceptions in which it is permissible to look at a non-mahram woman for reasons of necessity, one of which is in the case of proposing marriage, because it is the basis on Answer. Answered by:Mufti Zakaria MakadaChecked & Approved:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Aug 13, 2002 · 1 – Some people think that these rings increase the love between the spouses and have an effect on their relationship. Dear Sister, Assalamu alaikum, I pray you are well. Nov 19, 2020 · Ask the right questions before marriage, and you'll likely uncover needs, dreams, and expectations for your life together that you hadn't considered. This is in order to purify people’s souls and protect their honour. Feb 6, 2014 · During this period between the nikah and the rukhsati, it is permissible for the couple to interact with each other in a manner that is permissible for a husband and wife including the actual consummation of marriage. Q: Is it allowed to talk with fiancee over phone? A. 4- The woman should not speak in a soft manner. Apr 2, 2012 · Islamic shari’ah teaches the principle of sadd al-dharai’ or blocking the means that may lead to haram things and closing every door that may lead to evil. marriage that is deemed invalid but the couple don’t know), even if there is no ejaculation. Read answers with similar topics: It is permissible for a man to speak to a non-Mahram woman subject to the following conditions: 1- It is done without being alone with her. The first is looking at each other and talking in order to gauge whether or not there is compatibility. I pray that Allah heals your heartbreak. } [Quran 17:32] You should return towards Allah in sincere repentance, asking His forgiveness and doing good deeds as much as possible. It seems that your family is stopping you from doing so for cultural and cautionary reasons. The fiancée’s permission to look. Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh, 1) It is absolutely forbidden (haram) for a person to unnecessarily interact with a non mahram (a non mahram is that woman with whom marriage is permissible). 2 – This custom involves imitating the non-Muslims such as Christians and others. A brief SeekersHub course on being married won’t cost you a A: 1. Before one gets married to someone (the contract itself), the interactions between the bride and the groom should be of two types. If a person is interested in getting married, it is permissible to look at a potential spouse prior to the marriage. This includes hugging, kissing, hand-holding, and sex. However, cultural convention holds that the couple A: If the child was born after six months of marriage then it is a legitimate child. They can spend time together, and also have conjugal relationships. So repent to Allaah and set your affairs straight, and do a lot of good deeds, and after that it will be permissible for you to get married. Concerning the ruling on touching one’s fiancée or being alone with her, Az-Zayla`i (may Allah secondly today while talking to her few fluid drop came out of my private part so is my fast still valid as it was unintentional. Consider the following Ahaadeeth: عَنْ أَبِي، هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ Once a nikah takes place, it is permissible for the married couple to enjoy marital rights, from meeting each other till intimacy. For example, the woman doesn’t have to obey Sep 30, 2018 · The Islamic Perspective. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "A man marries a woman for four reasons: for her property, for her rank, for her beauty, and for her religion (and character). The evil consequences and misery caused by such relationships are obvious to anyone who observes real life. In our modern age, scholars are strongly opposed to polygamy due to the harm caused. According to the western definition, dating means one is actively going out alone with a person of the opposite gender and spending time with them regularly in hopes of finding a committed relationship. These rules are based on Islamic principles and are designed to help you find a partner who shares your faith and values. Instead of an obstacle, marriage is regarded as an asset in acquiring spiritual perfection. Rights of both are: love, care, to enjoy a sexual relationship with each other, inheritance, and the confirmation of lineage through having children. Maintaining Islamic Conduct Before Marriage May 10, 2016 · Can I talk with my fiancé? Posted by shaik • May 10, 2016 • Printer-friendly. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do. However, it is also important that you get to know each other before getting married. illumeacademy. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way. Praise be to Allah. and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best. The Prophet said: “Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. For more, see the detailed answer. Shariah has closed all the doors that may lead one to commit illicit sins. The issue decides how to act in response to temptation, and attachment before marriage is definitely haram. May 31, 2022 · The sharia and Islamic scholars are clear that the man has the major (almost exclusive) financial responsibility for his nuclear family. This answer was collected from Askimam. In this fatwa: 1- Dating, as it is currently practiced in much of the world does not exist among Muslims where a young man and woman (or boy/girl) are in a one-on-one intimate relationship, spending time together alone, “getting to know each other” in a If a couple get married with the condition that rukhsati will take place later, that is regarded as a mutual agreement which should be honoured. Answer In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh Every form of pre 3. As Allah says in Holy Quran: Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. The Western concept of dating involves establishing some kind of romantic, intimate relationship with a partner pre-marriage. Take a course on marriage now so that you Avoid all talk of sex and other types of physical intimacy, whether in public or in private. If NO can He Kiss her. Thus, your fiance is just a foreign person that you’re not allowed to touch or to be alone with. If me and my wife are agreed to do so without telling anyone except ALLAH then is it permissible in ISLAM. Since both are still strangers, in Islamic engagement the man usually not allowed to put the ring on the woman's finger by himself. Kissing Before Marriage In Islam. As mentioned earlier, any physical intimacy outside of marriage is considered haram in Islam. It sounds like you and your husband are in need of serious marital counselling. In the Qur’an we are also reminded that, “your spouses are like clothing for you,” signifying that our spouse is the closest person to us in life A: There is no basis for engagements. And Allaah knows best. Chapter Number 24: Verse Number 30. Your number one priority is your Lord. As we mentioned above, having a girlfriend is forbidden and not permissible during Ramadan and during the whole year, and certainly talking to a girlfriend is by extension forbidden and not permissible. 4. See also question no. This is an ignorant (jaahili) belief and is an attachment to something for which there is no basis in sharee’ah and which does not make sense. 5. I believe the information on the following link will help you locate a nearby mosque: Vaxjo Islamic Center. When the spouse has been found then it is totally against the sunnat to delay and postpone the marriage. Mufti Ebrahim Desai. It should be clearly understood that one’s cousin in Islam is a Ghayr Mahram. However, such conversations should be governed by the general ethics of male-female interactions in Islam. So even you're closer to marriage, you shouldn't treat him like one. For more read here is kissing on the cheek haram in Islam. If need be, you may communicate with Islamic rule on talking to your fiance. Ask Allah to help you through this by making du`a at tahajjud time and praying the Prayer of Need. It takes into account all of humankind’s needs; spiritual, emotional and physical. Before answering your question first of all we will look at the harms and severities of the sin of adultery and fornication in Islam. As long as the nikaah is not performed, both of you will remain na mahrams to each other. Original Source Link. The second is purely practical communication about how and when the marriage will take place. As the Qur’an commands, “speak with appropriate speech. In some places, it simply means that both parties (boy and girl) make a promise to marry each other. Reply ASAP Anxiously waiting for the answer. However, Ghusl is not Waajib. This religious duty must be fulfilled. In an event where one has already. The girl should abide by the Islamic morals governing talk that is mentioned in the Quranic verse that reads: { O you wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. Q. Islam Q&A. Can I keep a halaal relationship, if we have not done or not desire to do any dirty or haraam things with her? 4. Can I kiss my fiance before marriage in Islam? In Islam, sex outside of marriage is forbidden. Mar 24, 2024 · Generally, Muslims are told not to meet their spouse before marriage and are condemned from questioning this mentality. Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. This includes kissing someone who is not your spouse. Even if there is no physical sexual relationship, it is still not permissible. Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said in Fath al-Baari (9/157): “The majority of scholars said: he is permitted to look at her if he wishes without ANSWER. Explaining the reason for such a recommendation, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “That would enhance/foster the bonding. Therefore, it will not be permissible to chat with him on the internet. The leader of people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects. Thus, it is permissible for each other to talk, to be alone and do whatever a husband and wife do. You should know that GOD knows your innermost thoughts, and observe Him. e. After completing the marriage contract between a man and a woman she becomes his wife. Is kissing on the cheek haram before marriage? A. A: If the child was born after six months of marriage then it is a legitimate child. The Fuqahaa’ (Muslim jurists) have unanimously agreed that Zina is constituted by the penetration of the penis into a “forbidden” vagina, deliberately (i. Is it permissible to say “I love you” to someone before being ready to marry him? Answer: assalamu alaykum. It is to be expected that sexual fantasies may lead to a person committing haram deeds. For the wife, some notable rights are: the marriage dowry (or The word ‘engagement’ or ‘getting engaged’ is used differently by Muslims in different parts of the world. See the rules of gender interaction here. May Allah Most High reward you both for your patience and make it easy for you to unite. A person who can fulfil his sexual urges lawfully is less distracted in the spiritual journey. Say, " My Lord has only forbidden immoralities - what is apparent of them and what is concealed - and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down authority, and that you say about Allah that May Allah reward you eternally. It should not incite any sexual desires. com/courses/operation-hd-fiqh-of-marriage-sh-assim-al-h Jul 8, 1998 · Summary of answer. 2- Not to go beyond permissible topics. Answer: If a person is interested in getting married then it is permissible, rather recommended, to look at a potential spouse prior to the marriage. All forms of kissing and contact with a woman before marriage is totally. It is not permissible to interact with a fiancé informally, whether over the phone, email, or by writing a letter. Firstly: We ask Allah to reward you for the calamity that befell you, and to increase the love between you and your wife. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) This answer was collected from MuftiOnline. Since it is not the actual nikāh, the engaged boy and girl are still non-mahram to each other. made a mistake then Tawbah should be made. Editor’s note: This fatwa is from Ask the Scholar’s Nov 6, 2023 · 1- Contacts between men and women are not totally rejected; rather, they are recommendable so long as a noble objective is intended and the subject itself is lawful. Rukhsati is planned after 3-6 months. The laws of interaction between them are the same as those between two complete strangers of the opposite gender (non-mahrams). ANSWER. Allah Most High says, “Your spouses are your fields, so approach your fields whichever way you like. and we r gonna marry Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Nov 18, 1998 · Praise be to Allah. There are many reasons why but the most important being is that it leads to zina which leads to the disobedience of Allah swt. ml pa at eq fj ie uc wc cg qr