Aita for telling my sister i won t be playing dad to her 3rd baby

Except now she's getting married and she invited me and wanted me there because questions were asked. More-Height-1087. Edit: she is 27 right now. 20 years later and my sister remembers almost none of it, including the time she broke out cordless phone because she was mad that mom wanted her to do schoolwork instead of calling her friends. plains I said that in fairly gentle language to my cousin, then said he needs to make a greater effort to build a relationship with her and to build love for her. AITA for telling my sister to stop having kids when she is poor? Trigger Warnings: possible child neglect, body shaming, mentions of domestic violence and rape. Last week my sister (22F) had a baby shower and my family and I (20F) were there to help her set up and decorate. And my brother in law is basically saying "Nope!" My (17F) mom died a little over a year ago. Ever since I was 10. My MIL wanted to throw me a baby shower and invite her friends. She moved back him for a while, led her daughter to believe she’s here to stay, and then moved back in with the guy she had her second baby with. Mom was so eager to tell me. ADMIN MOD. Now that I'm going off to do a course in practical nursing to boost my resume So I (27F) have a sister, Melanie (25F). I don’t now. Mom was so happy when my half sister told her she really wanted me there. And tell her you stayed quiet bc you still cared for HER. She kept contact with our mother, but quit talking to my father and i about four years ago, and nobody knows why. We must have the exact same sister. To the point where its feels extremely awkward and weird to talk to Fast forward to now. Baby changed dynamics because Anna wanted to bring the baby everywhere with her and its My (24F) sister (23F) had my nephew Joe during her first year in college. But she's still young and has her dad in her ear and I had a negative reaction which might not be fair given her age. AITA for telling my sister I am never babysitting for her again? Not the A-hole. My half sister even showed up to invite me personally. Subreddit Announcements AITA for telling my sister I won’t be playing dad to her 3rd baby? Follow @minecraftandstorytime for more!!!. " Here, an upset woman looking off while sitting on a bed. I (16f) have two sisters 19f and 23f. Three Parents said that they won't ever push babysitting of my nephews on me again, and have agreed that what happened last year was unfair to me. Obligotory English isn't my native language warning. She’s re-living her experience with her child through the surrogacy. Edit for info: the plans my dad and sister have is some sleepover with her and her friend group in the north, around a 2 hour drive from where we live. I (20f) and my sister (22f) have never really gotten along, with in the last couple of days she announced that she was 7-8 months pregnant. My youngest brother (20m) responded "Mum died on Sunday. I just gave birth 4 days ago to a beautiful baby girl. Me and my partner have a beautiful baby girl who we love more than life itself. My Mom still co. He does not get the fatherly role in my life now. I (37M) am single, childfree and have two dogs (German Shepherd mixes). Our son is amazing and a pretty easy baby. My dad moved out immediately and I moved with him. All of us used to hang out a lot before the baby was born. Most of my childhood was spent taking care of her children while she went out to parties and such. She more than likely won’t give the I told my sister her reaction to my daughter's name was way over the top and totally rude. We talk about her openly so I do feel like she was my sister even though I never met her. The last time I talked to her is about five minutes after my mother died. Later, my grandpa unexpectedly came over to pick me up. My sister has been doing the mental hospital thing for 20 years. GlumMushroom9804. Anyway when she found out she was pregnant with Conner, we were all excited. Other Redditors put in their own My mother in law has been referring to the baby as "her" baby this entire time. The reason I question how I handled this is maybe there is more and I should have done a little more digging into her hatred for the name before telling her she was being over the top. I couldn't imagine what it was like. My mom insists on my help with the youngest siblings, constantly, without notice. Best-Question-7940. Many of you were suggesting therapy for her so at least she already had that down. Earlier last year, actually around this time -may- of last year my blood Little Sister (F18) she was 17 at the time, called me bawling telling me that our aunt (SM sister), told her SM was cheating with this man. My sister is in individual counseling. My sister has now been officially diagnosed with Postpartum Depression and that is the trump card/Hail Mary of the situation. I do think he loves me. She currently has two kids, Sam (7M) and Avery (4F), and is 14 weeks pregnant with baby #3. My mum died and my step dad kept me as his daughter and then remarried (B) when my sister was 2. She met me a few years later and we dated for two years beofre she introduced me to her kids. When they got back, he (she) sent an essay to the group chat about how we're bullies taunting them and trying to ruin their relationship, and that we will never see either of them again. OP’s sister may love babies, but she is clearly not mentally or emotionally equipped to have one, if she lacks the awareness or self restraint to not cough all over an infant. I get angry and tell my father “you need to knock her ass up when you can’t even be here for us”. And yes, I am positive that they are not his kids. A couple was supposed to adopt my nephew, but she ended up ghosting them and backed out of that decision. He tried to be a dad to me. My stepson is allowed to tell him no. Read the post below 8. This is more than mine ever did. AITA for telling my fiancé that his sister can’t come to our wedding. We’ve used up our savings and currently are living off our credit cards but I’ve got a job Spirited-Willow-3110. AITA for telling my husband to tell his mom to settle the baby. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My mom and dad have 3 kids me 18f and 22 F/M twins. She will say things like "I can't wait for my baby to be born. But to give some context, I (22 M) have an older sister Skye (26 F). She barely finished high school and flunked out her first semester of CC. I'm an 18-year-old female, and I have an older sister, 29, who has two children, ages 8 and 4. It was devastating for the whole family and I was behind my sister 100% of the way. I'd describe our relationship as neutral, bordering hostile. I’m not sure how to add links to my old post, but I will try to find out. Every time that happens I always stand my ground. My dad allowed me to be her punching bag and just silently watched it because that made his life easier. Jun 10, 2024 路 My sister has now been officially diagnosed with Postpartum Depression and that is the trump card/Hail Mary of the situation. I (31f) have a half sister, “Ellen” (34f). . It’s weird to name your baby after your sister’s husband, doesn’t matter if he’s alive or dead. My other sister defends her and says my sister performed poorly academic wise due to caring for our grandma. She lost the baby at the end of 2022, when she was about 5 months pregnant. We’ve had a beautiful relationship for 5 years, the only real problem is his family. her choice. I don't know if I'm thinking clearly. My mom says I was a gift to her after my sister died and I imagine if my mom had acted like OPs dad I would have developed the same attitude. UPDATE: AITA For Not Letting My Sister Walk Down The Aisle At My Wedding. AITA for telling my dad he’s the reason why none of us Likes our stepmom. Basically my mother met my step father and he took me on as his own, they then went on to have my sister (A) a year later. In order to raise me she gave up a lot; her relationship with her father, college, her 20s, and so much more. None of my biological family wanted me. Even if Josie would know her well, that is still the best way to go in my opinion. That happened last week. She and her husband “Tom” (40), had their son “Logan” (now 9), but due to complications Lucy couldn’t have more kids. OP is going to have to develop a titanium plated spine to continue standing up to her family. Only time will tell how your dad will deal with the situation long term. We're in our mid to late twenties now, living in the same city. He agreed with that. The reason I feel bad is my sister clearly does care about her dad, he's her dad, and I was harsh and reacting to her annoying me. Lara left her contact information with my grandmother's attorney. She works long and demanding hours. So, yesterday, after my sister left crying, she didn't come home immediately; she waited for her kids' school to be dismissed to pick them up. I (20f) have a sister (16f) and two half siblings from our mom’s new marriage (3m) and an infant sister. Everything was going well, we were blowing up balloons and setting plates, etc. I work from home and am pretty much always I always knew about her. Since giving birth I've been having pressure off my side of the family to let my sister meet my child. Physically. UPDATE. AITA for not wanting to care for my siblings. Our mother was a SAHM but she was emotionally absent. So I (17F) have been forced to babysit for my dad and his wife of 5 years for the last 4 summers. One of my (F24) friends, Anna (F24) had a baby around 6 months back. My sister chose to be my guardian and her father's family went low-contact with her as a result. not your problem. I was 18 and my My (24F) sister (23F) had my nephew Joe during her first year in college. (2) I might be the AH because maybe I am being too cold about the situation and need to reconsider if I should let him live with me. My sister (43F) is a single mother to four kids, she recently announced her 5th child. I have 4 sisters and they have 10 kids total, so I babysit A LOT. My sister and her husband lost their first baby due to SIDS. Our friendgroup is otherwise childless. Jun 7, 2022 路 A woman is being backed online for telling her father and brother to "beg" her husband "for forgiveness. I (F36) have a baby (10wks) with my husband (M36). But I still see him as not my dad and as the person who slept with my mom and got her pregnant while she was married to my dad. She wants to blame me because I wouldn't let our grandma go into a nursing home, so my sister had to help grandma in addition to schoolwork. I asked her what the root cause of it was: some of you called it. This is not the real name, but it's similar in terms of popularity and origin. My pregnant wife (26f) and I (35m)are really struggling at the moment as I lost my job and my wife had to quit her job as she’s suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. Ellen has a husband “Tom” (34). My mother's family were supposedly good Christians who couldn't stand the thought of an illegitimate affair baby and my father's family were "not in the position to take care of such a young child". After that, he refused to talk to me for weeks. They were together for 6 months when she told me she loved me (after meeting her three other times before that) and she could not wait to give me another mom. She likely has never even been a surrogate before, because she would know you need a contract and boundaries. My now wife divorced her ex when her three kids were young. A few months ago I got engaged and I told my sister that I (20m) and my sister (23) have been very close since she lost her baby. She wants me to babysit, or feed ADMIN MOD. 馃槀 She said she never has an issue being the bad guy to someone to help her patients. My ex was like that. But, some are calling me an AH because my sister is now in a hotel because she got kicked out and says if she has a miscarriage it'll be my fault. My (18f) and my sister's (14f) mum is a medical practitioner. "Last night out of nowhere she told me that her and my other sister whom I haven’t spoken to or seen in over a decade have bought me a baby swing and asked if I was having a shower or if I just wanted them to give it to my partners mother (she works with her) " That RN was my hero. 23f, who I'll call A here is just shy of 3 months pregnant with her first baby and she's already began making her demands and rules for her baby. it's basically her problem. She never did, until recently. Coming to her apartment to clean, and cook her food. We didn’t talk for almost 2 months then I guess my sister finally realized I wasn’t gonna budge so she agreed she’d be more nicer to Annie and My sister (32F) has Conner who is 4. ADMIN. When our dad moved on, he wound up dating Frida (41 F My sister's dad was still in her life and was willing to support her, but not me. My son really loves his big brother and I encourage them to play together but my stepson is allowed to play alone if he wants to. She did wonderful at her ballet performance, only for him to complain about her little makeup until she cried and had He doesn't follow this subreddit. With the announcement came some very odd rules, Like I can’t have junk food in my house if she’s over, I can’t have my cat around her he needs to be locked away, I can’t have pop cans in the fridge, and a few other along with the rules came her Asshole. But what I heard next kind of astounded me. Since the house was just going to stay empty until I was done with college my aunt (on my moms side) and I talked about it and we agreed she would stay there since she's taking care of my grandma and her place was small. We're half siblings and she's from her dad's actual family (as ADMIN. “AITA for telling my daughter that I won’t be attending her wedding?” – this father took to one of Reddit’s most judgmental groups to ask its members if it was wrong of him to reject his daughter’s wedding invitation because she didn’t invite his wife and kids. Which yeah is better then him not being around at all. The post managed to garner over r/AmItheAsshole. Tom is a nice guy, and when she introduced him to the family, he a One aunt has taken to the Reddit AITA (Am I The Asshole) board to ask if she's an asshole for telling her sister that she will not be doing 'parenting duties' for her nieces and the incoming baby when they arrive, in lieu of their father who 'doesn't do much' with raising his own children - despite being available to do so. Growing up, our father was very hard on us. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. We didn't know each other until I was 14, and she was 16. Obviously our whole family was shocked and very supportive initially. Original Post: March 11, 2024. She's a very sweet woman who would literally take the shirt off her back to make sure I am okay. A 12mo old literally died of RSV in our emergency department last week. She got a massive dressing down from my dad, something she was wholly unaccustomed to since he's never really told her off (youngest child). This caused the riff between me and my sister. When I was in high school, our mother (48 F) cheated on our dad (48 M) and left us to be with her boyfriend. AITA for telling my stepdaughter she can have her dead dad pay for the wedding. I then said that he probably should love her more by now, and when I said that his demeanor changed entirely, and he said that that was a callous thing to say. I hope he puts you first and holds her accountable. The father is absent in his life and only pays CS, she has always hated the idea of my nephew growing without a father figure and since our only brother is 17 and our dad passed ten years ago, she dated recklessly for a while and introduced him to a bunch of dudes. Right after we were discharged and got home (3 nights ago) my husband got a phone call from his father and next thing I know, my husband is losing it. I wasn't shocked, just dumbfounded as my father went on about how he doesn't care about me at all in any capacity. I knew my mom loved her and was sad that she died but she never did weird stuff like this. Vote and comment on others' posts. " I was c I don’t see how OP’s daughter won’t feel like she’s being replaced. if she wants her own children, she needs to surrogate with non family. the sister want it exactly her own precise way. Got to a point where we had a crying sister, crying mother and dad on a war path so my other siblings and I had to play mediation. My MIL is a little controlling and FIL is textbook conservative, but overall we have a pretty good relationship. Okay so some background is very much needed in this situation. My sister and her husband are living together again and in couple's therapy. If she thought you might be okay with it she would have asked you how you felt about naming her baby after your husband. The rest of the family was with her, but my sister wasn’t. Today was the reading of my grandma's will and Lara was there, since she is still legally the daughter of my parents and the lawyer did not want to read my grandmother's will without My mom died when I (17m) was a baby so I don't remember her but her family was a big presence in my life and I vacation with them every summer (2020 excluded). AITA for wanting nothing to do w my sisters baby? Not the A-hole. The night Mel graduated high school, she convinced her bf at the time to celebrate without protection (she told me herself she did it on purpose) and my sister turned up at his parents’ place two months later The mother of my two children (10m and 9f) cheated on me during our marriage and became pregnant with another man's child. AITA for telling my sister I will never accept her or her life choices. I’m 16f I’ve a half sister (29) from my mothers first marriage we had a good relationship given the age telling my sister that her childhood is a big reason she’s not included in a lot of things with our side of the family. The parents didn’t want to leave a bunch of under 16 year old girls alone that far, so everyone’s parents are also going for supervision (apart from my mom who is going to be at my graduation) My sister was a nightmare as a teenager - I spent long hours hanging with my dad in his workshop while she and my mom had screaming matches. or give up having children. I even extended an olive branch to my sister and told her I'd like nothing more than for her . no children or out of family. May 16, 2023 路 I Oscar, host of the NextDoor Neighbor Pod and my wife Elma read wild, funny, and entertaining stories from reddit. Explain to her how bitter it made you how SHE got treated well, while you had been neglected. Specifically the AITA (Am I the A-hole) t I mean my son is 2 and will do naughty things (taking stuff from his brother he isn’t allowed to take). I've been with my husband since we were 14 and we just had a baby 10 months ago. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. Dad met his wife when I was 7. She left me a lot of money and her house. Lucy was devastated. However I really tried to help her through this and get her back on her feet. No-Win-3546. My father gets angry and yells at me to go up to my room. AITA for telling my wife to return it all. All that stuff. She's not normally like that and this all surprised me. My home is mine and I've worked hard to be able to create this space for myself. Kara knows she’ll forgive them eventually. Alexis gave birth to my nephew last year. Tell her you are blocking her from your life, and to respect that. I had the same OB Nurse and she remembered me and asked if my Mom would need to be watched for. My mom struggled with a host of mental issues and while she loved us she was not a good mother or partner at all. He claims me as his other daughter. I have always gotten along with my MIL. Me and Eva are fraternal twins. When I was 5 my parents broke up, dad had full custody But he’d let us stay with our NTA. That is the obvious solution. That friend isn’t really a friend at all. My mom is still married to my half sister's dad. But for right now, she says she wants them to live with the consequences so hasn’t had any contact with them. Long story so my apologies. But if there are rules to be enforced, well their dad and I do that. My mum also has a lot of childhood trauma from bullying, and depression and anxiety. I learned this when I caught her with the man in question and after quizzing her, she admitted there was a strong chance he was the father of the baby she was pregnant with. My sister and I are not close. My daughter’s still mad at her family, she talked to them a couple times before stopping communication. My son already sleeps through the night which is a godsend. We've continued the tradition, but it's only once or twice a year, which increased during lockdown. Originally posted to r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC. 2) seeming as though I’m taking sides and not there for her. (1) I told my mother that I won't be allowing my younger brother to move in with me when anything happens to either her or my father. I left when my baby was one, just realized I didn't want her to grow up thinking it was acceptable. and after going through a traumatic birth, you're 100% right to refuse. AITAH for telling my sister she has to move out with her baby soon? I (27M) have a sister Alexis (25F) and a fiancée Sophie (26F). Due to all this, sometimes it feels like he isnt even my dad, just some man living with us. I don’t find it creepy either. The day after I made the post, me, my fiancé, Stacy, and her ADMIN MOD. Asshole. AITA for telling my friend her baby is the reason no one wants her around? Not the A-hole. Aita for telling my sister I'm not the mother of her children. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Join the community of moral philosophers and share your dilemmas. My father (41M) has been with SM for almost eleven years. Thank you for all the support and kind words; it has been eye-opening. I don't want him sitting on my sofa, playing video games and rotting away for the rest of our lives. Ellen and I are not close, and never have been, we only saw each other at family get togethers. My mum thought I was joking at first but I clarified what I meant - I love my brother, but I'm not interested in taking over the role that my parents currently play. OP needs to go hard core in standing up for herself. minecraftandstorytime · Original audio SquirrelTrees2216. AITA for telling my sister I won't babysit her child. My niece has now been officially introduced to a few members of her paternal size and they all love her. Tell Josie she should simply ask her daughter what she might like to do or have. In short; my mother told my father about what I did and my father responded by saying he was disappointed in me (which I expected). My sister and I still didn’t see eye to eye so that’s when I made the decision that she wouldn’t be allowed around us for a while and stuck with the same condition I made in my original post. " This rubs me the wrong way for reasons I cannot explain, but my husband tells me to ignore her. true. 1. r/AmITheAsshole voting guide here. Please help. My sister believed since my mom was sorry and it was a one time thing (as she claimed which I don’t for a second believe) and was trying to reconcile thru the church that me and my dads refusal to speak with her was somehow wrong. Bit of a loaded title, I'll admit. My sister refused to go, and after a year or so, Stepdad stopped asking, telling her she's free to join anytime she so wants. Of course you don’t own the name, but it looks super weird. The fake name I'll be using is Epona. So negative, always criticizing everything I did. AITA for telling my mom I don’t want to care for her kids. I'm 29, my husband is 30. Growing up, my dad was an abusive prick, not just mentally and emotionally - no, he usually communicated with his fist. I said she wants me dead, I don't want her in my life, it's as simple as that. My dad is always there for me. Her father is saying, or supporting his girlfriend saying, that she doesn’t get to have her own name any more. She wasn’t with the father of the baby so she’s always known that she’d be raising the baby on her own for the most part. AITA for telling my MIL that I don't want her here because my baby hates her? 26F. For telling my mom I hope my dad beats her to death this time? Throwaway. The commotion was so great that the reading of the will was postponed. About three years ago, she and Tom decided to adopt. I’m (26F) getting married to my (28M) Fiancé in April. Consider your wish granted you evil c AITA for bluntly telling my sister I don't care if people think I'm homophobic. I was living with her full time before she passed. The title might sound harsh, but hear me out. 8K votes, 782 comments. I’d like to add that the two of them live with his father, who despises my sister. He had Josh learn violin at 4 yo and made him play for My mother is on my side and told my sister she would not be finically supporting her or her child and that kid is not her grandchild. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. I’m grounded with no phone so I’m using an old phone with 20% battery so this has to be rushed so excuse the grammar. My sister is playing the victim. And that applied to everyone, from mom to my baby sister. My (26F) mom passed away a few years ago, during that time, we discovered that my dad had been cheating on her with a girl my age, his whole family disowned him and cut contact with him except for me, I guess that at that time, I wasn't ready to let go of both my parents at the same time, but over these last 5 years, I've been able to gradually let go to the ADMIN MOD. Reddit Stories - AITA for telling my sister I won’t be playing dad to her 3rd baby? | infant, Reddit Tell her you are done with your mom, and have never been able to forgive her and honestly don’t care to. I may have gone to far. Your dad did take action and leave when he realized her treatment of you though. My father's ex wife ended up taking me. NTA - you and your partner need to protect your child from the cycle of abuse that you grew up in. Apr 27, 2023 路 AITA for telling my sister I won't be playing dad to her 3rd baby? TrashFeeling5171. I (29F) have four siblings, Mark (33M), Josh (31M), Eva (29F), and Tony (26M). He was an addict. In total I called 16 times, my sister tried 7 times, and dad 3. I'm not sure why. If that’s what you want to call him. Not the A-hole. She should’ve asked you. That is until I saw a huge sign with the words "Strummer Azrael Quinn. Maybe go to a concert, a new video game, theme park, nice shoes/clothes/jewelry, etc. She's 4 now and he still puts down her activities, etc. " "My baby is going to be so loved. No, the kids are 100% not my dad's kids. Three Feb 15, 2023 路 Image source: u/Suspicious_Pair_4940. My sister “Lucy” (38) has always wanted a big family. She explained she needed me and why and I told her I will not make her look better by showing up. They view her as the young, single sister who of course shoul nuke her own personal ambitions just so she can become a permanent free nanny for her idiot of a sister. Hello everyone, I just wanted to post an update on the situation with my sister, Stacy. Same dad, different moms, no I’m not the result of an affair. But it just hurts knowing hes right across the hall from me, yet still feels so distant. I told my sister I don't care what her dad wants. The kids are my dad's stepkids who are currently 7, 6 and 5. She saw the chance to help her sister who lost a child and got what she wanted. Update to aita for telling my sister I'm not the mother of her children. But I told her I would not go. Right now they're VERY angry with my sister for telling me I should help her because she thinks I have no life. Some of these rules are reasonable, like not going over if ill or maybe AITA for telling my mum I won't play happy family? Not the A-hole. I then look at Nicole and tell her she is a disgusting piece of trash and to get out of our lives. That she’s supposed to use a nickname because the new baby is the real one with her name and she is not. However, this does require a strict nighttime Kids under 2 years are at major risk for severe illness. 2. They are very well behaved and super nice, my niblings (aged 2-13) love them. Find out if you were wrong or right in an argument. When I had my 3rd baby I ended up refusing to let her come to town at all and had an Aunt come stay with my 2 kids. He wanted his first son to be a doctor, so Mark had to work all the time. is ir lj ev dw vp vl iz mp xl