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Tokio vs go benchmarks

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Tokio vs go benchmarks

Tokio vs go benchmarks. 1 Benefits of Using Go (Golang): 2. It was expected, Initial benchmark results. channel tx/rx; mutex lock/unlock; async task spawn; So I ran some comparison tests on a lower performance cloud host (equivalent to j1900) as follows. 3. PHP vs. E. go/fasthttp: Requests/sec: 1153173. 39 MB Transfer Rate: 20. AFAICT, the basic difference between tokio and mio is that mio is a low-level library and tokio is a framework for writing protocols implementations and applications. Some benchmarks saw a 10x speed up! Oct 26, 2021 · Comparing benchmark results. Cover image from dzone . Importantly, executors, tasks, reactors, combinators, and low-level I/O futures and Feb 8, 2022 · When publishing benchmarks you have to give exact steps to repeat, so exact command line parameters and compiler flags used to compile should be given. I see axum's json serialization is 6% faster. g. Shortly thereafter, a kind stranger sent a PR with a Go version. The Deno code uses async iterators, while the Node code uses callbacks. Using Notify, we can implement a delay function using async/await like this: Tokio is a runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Aug 12 '21. Haskell. If you’re looking for a reliable and efficient way to build asynchronous HTTP clients in Rust, tokio-curl is definitely worth exploring. A task is similar to an OS thread, but rather than being managed by the OS scheduler, they are managed by the Tokio runtime. Automatically spawning stuff on first use has nothing to do with whether you split it up into many smaller crates, or one big. Evaluation Benchmarks. We will go beyond the syntax and take a closer look at how the langauges handle typical web tasks like routing, middleware, templating, db access and more. corona_blocking_wrapper: The corona library, with wrappers around async IO streams to mimic blocking API. Speaking about the exact benchmark you're talking about, it says just that. Nevertheless, last year, i know a single private nodejs server was operating 135kqps over France online advertisement network (which requires low Mar 19, 2022 · #rustlang #tokio #benchmarking #async_std #actixweb #actix_web #ntex #rustRust (actix-web) API: https://github. Run() approach is that it allows us to do a “test-case” approach commonly used in unit tests. b. Web api benchmarking: Rust ntex (tokio / async-std / glommio) vs Rust actix-web. 3 MB read. Edit: also println isn’t buffered. I'd rather just look at the number on a README, these videos aren't really helpful (especially 43mins is too much just to understand which framework Req/Bytes counts sampled once per second. js. Dec 10, 2021 · scenario 1. hello is a simple server that awaits for a request and sends a valid HTTP response. However, it didn't happen during the benchmark and each It's because of Tokio's context-switching performance, like Golang, Tokio context-switch in the same thread to the next coroutine when the channel message is ready which is much cheaper than communicating between different threads, It's the same reason why async network applications usually perform better than sync implementations. In other words, Go gets slower at high concurrency. Can process a lot of concurrent connections efficiently. Of course the amount of computing in the backend will alter this scale. may: The may coroutine library, which tries to port Go semantics into Rust. We may take into account elements like startup time, execution time, and memory consumption to gauge how quickly different languages perform in AWS Lambda functions. On the other hand, the Legion GO does see a bit of a price jump, with the base model starting at $700. Execution at that point splits - execution continues on the main thread, but the runtime is now running the goroutine in parallel. corona: The corona library with async-await notation. The benchmarks are not a full set but are limited to SET/GET commands and are run every 10,000 iterations with the standard 50 threads. Mar 28, 2022 · If you expect to see a lot of traffic you could use methods like tokio::task::spawn_blocking to workaround blocking the executor or just use an async connection implementation for diesel like: diesel-async (Works only with the unreleased master branch version of diesel) tokio-diesel works with diesel 1. A comparison of some web frameworks and libs written in Rust - flosse/rust-web-framework-comparison Try setting the target-cpu to native or your specific cpu architecture, usually boosts a lot, and use FxHashMap which is also much faster. Mar 4, 2022 · 11. Rust result: test bench_decode bench: 215 ns/iter (+/- 11) Go result: BenchmarkDecode-16 1928305 615. In other terms, in any benchmarking effort, it is essential to reduce the number of factors that may influence the results of our performance evaluation. txt Make changes to your code and save new benchmark results: Feb 1, 2024 · Current benchmark data was generated on Thu Feb 01 2024, full log can be found HERE CONTRIBUTIONS are WELCOME! CPU INFO: [x86_64][4 cores] AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor (Model 1) V vs Go benchmark. The Go HTTP and Rust Tokio versions have nearly 100% failure rates Feb 1, 2024 · benchmarks,benchmark,performance,binarytrees,coro-prime-sieve,edigits,fannkuch-redux,fasta,helloworld,http-server,json-serde,knucleotide,lru,mandelbrot,merkletrees Jan 28, 2019 · Jan 28, 2019. gorouter is designed to scale well against deep route tree. 2. It is pronounced the same way as Tokyo, with the emphasis on the first syllable and a long “o” sound in the second syllable. It's possible you might be able to unify some of their core components but, fundamentally, they exist because Tokio is now maintaining backwards compatibility with an overall API design laid out prior to the availability of async Benchmarks. Why Jarred didn’t end up writing Bun in Rust. 4,114,095. From the docs for tokio::join!: By running all async expressions on the current task, the expressions are able to run concurrently but not in parallel. Example Usage Of Benchstat. Go’s CPU usage continues to be high. Go uses such a global locked list as well, but along with the Zig code, makes stealing use atomic reads from the buffer instead of deferring to the global queue. Tokio is fast, gos runtime is also quite fast. You won't have this issue with -n 1000 but try with higher numbers. If you’re a developer looking Oct 13, 2019 · Making the Tokio scheduler 10x faster. 94 MB / Sec. If you want other runtimes started on demand, you would have to use Tokio on the top-level, as async-std spins itself up automatically on first use, whereas Tokio doesn't. To compare the output of both implementations of our benchmark with benchstat, let’s start by storing each in a file. Nov 16, 2020 · While Go might be easier to write and faster to compile compared to Rust, it's still slower compared to its competitors. It doesn't parse requests. The benchmarks mentioned about async rust being slower are from a bad implementation from someone who had never programed much rust before. Pick a number of benchmark runs (at least 10, ideally 20) and stick to it. Oct 7, 2023 · In Http Server Performance: NodeJS vs. warp-> A very high level version of hyper and easy to use and it requiresa few lines of codes to start a server. It also comes with more networking related abstractions. Under single core, Monoio's performance is slightly better than Tokio; under 4 cores, the peak performance is about twice that of Tokio; under 16 cores, it is close to 3 times. The majority of Rust web frameworks all have minor releases but still are used largely in production by the community. I played with the code on my computer and got better performance with Go httprouter and even It is a bit tricky to benchmark WebSocket libraries, since you're going to be limited by the speed of the slower end (i. actix-web-> Provides a very high-level API and injects some boilerplate codeas well as runtime. My guess is somehow, without keep-alive Go starts to hit the garbage collection which will drastically degrade performance. These can be much more lightweight than OS threads which is why you can have so many. At a high level, it provides a few major components: Tools for working with asynchronous tasks, including synchronization primitives and channels and timeouts, sleeps, and intervals. In the following article, we will delve into the performance analysis of two widely used frameworks: Go with Fiber and Rust with Axum Feb 21, 2022 · Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust. 2 Disadvantages Of Using Go: 3 Rust vs Golang in 2023. It handles the details of wakers, including making sure that the recorded waker matches the current task. Also, there's some seriously huge "offsets" to the latency tests which hides the true performance. rs. e. sbarral. No offense to anyone but why are there so many videos on "benchmarking". postgres/tokio-postgres and diesel are quite similar here, while sqlx seems to be about 2 times slower according to our benchmarks. Dec 28, 2023 · Since the 5950x is a faster CPU than the 3950x, the improved Go performance was expected, but I was puzzled to see the Rust benchmark results being twice as slow on the faster CPU. js and Java, with PHP coming last. Trying running the benchmark at least for rust without using println at all for extra ms. For example, the benchmarks uses sleeps all the way down to one microsecond, which Tokio will handle by not sleeping at all 999 times, then sleeping for one full millisecond the 1000th time. A hello world benchmark for the available Rust Web Frameworks: hyper vs gotham vs actix-web vs warp vs rocket - rousan/rust-web-frameworks-benchmark Feb 1, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright For CPU usage, Bun was typically either neck-and-neck with or beating Go, with iterations of 1M and 10M tasks being nearly 3x less CPU intensive than Go. It is unlikely that go would be much faster if it is at all. That being said, I've 1. Nov 14, 2023 · However, Lenovo's produces a much better color gamut and contrast. 810k requests in 11. they are go-gettable and don’t require customized steps Dec 11, 2021 · Tokio uring is in a very early phase, and we don't have any benchmarks yet. Carl’s take on why Rust is so well-suited for high-performance systems and applications. Preparation of the testing environment. Another important point may be performance. (NOTE: This is not the case on Physical hardware benchmarks, but I suspect that this is due to the hardware used in Physical tests being more powerful, thus the benchmarks hit the network bottleneck Requests: Total: 1626356 Req / Sec: 162651. ago. For full details, see Asynchronous Programming in Rust, and particularly the chapter on "The Async Ecosystem. Hyper is still slower than most Java or Go application servers, being 58% of best for JSON. They should have the following properties: they matter; someone cares, perhaps in a dollars-and-cents way, that they run well. Sep 27, 2023 · This post is our attempt to give you an overview of the differences between Go and Rust with a focus on web development by building a non-trivial real-world application in both languages. -benchmem -count 10 > 10_runs_bench. While Go’s Mar 10, 2021 · Rust vs. You can write any program in any language to be slow. There are a lot of subtleties to be considered, though. N starts at 1; if the benchmark completes in under 1 second, b. Let us look at latencies. Unexpectedly, Bun stood pretty firm in front of a mammoth like Rust. NET Core (on Linux) that spawns one million async tasks, to test memory overhead and scalability. After reading any data, it sends a response. All of the code used to benchmark the performance of these two reader-writer lock implementations is available on Github. Recently, I created a toy benchmark in C# / . Web framework that focuses on ergonomics and modularity (By the tokio team) Define Tokio. In comparison to Java and Python, Rust and Go generally show faster startup times. Has a fixed amount of threads (most likely identical to the number of cores on the system) and is therefore more robust against system overload. Go routines are based on green threads. Their benchmark is more involved and possibly more realistic. A task is a light weight, non-blocking unit of execution. a Rust library with: Channels, Buffered channels, Unbuffered channels (blocking channels), A select mechanism to switch to the active channel amongst a set of channels (the one which is currently receiving data) without Apr 27, 2023 · Let's go ahead and run the benchmarks with -count 10 and -count 20 to compare the performance: go test -bench . The uWebSockets library for C/C++ comes with a benchmarking tool called load_test that should be fast enough not to bottleneck all currently known Aug 16, 2023 · When running a benchmark, Go tries to make it match the requested benchmark time. Dec 13, 2022 · Rust vs Go - Rocket vs Gin. 235,150. " Rust currently provides only the bare essentials for writing async code. Tokio is a less common spelling of Tokyo, often used in German and Spanish-speaking countries. Rayon is a library for running code in parallel. Jarred’s experiences implementing Bun in Zig, focusing on performance and productivity. APIs for performing asynchronous I/O Nov 23, 2023 · The Steam Deck OLED is competitively priced, with the 512 GB model priced at $549, and the 1 TB model priced $100 more expensive, at $649. Other languages do this as well, e. V is still slow at this point. Moreover, it tries to send the HTTP response fully (in one write/send call). This suggests that for each individual request, the Go server is generally able to respond faster. 35 Transfer: Total: 209. Jul 16, 2020 · UPDATE: Thanks to Trisfald for suggesting grpc-rs as a (presently) more performant incarnation of gRPC in rust. The result is huge performance and latency improvements. Startup time is the time needed to initialise and run a function for the first time. CONTRIBUTIONS are WELCOME! CPU INFO:[x86_64] [4 cores] AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor (Model 1) Mar 5, 2024 · For Go benchmarks, you can often speed up this process by using "go test -c" to pre-compile the benchmark binary. In a multi-threaded runtime, using tokio::spawn! twice like that may use two separate threads. Go: Performance. Rust programs are designed to run at or Oct 16, 2023 · To compare benchmarks, you can use the benchstat tool. Organize your knowledge with lists and highlights. By the way, see this post and comments to learn how Tokio/Async both have runtimes with very specific characteristics, and how crates also tend to be tied to a runtime This turns the single-threaded approaches to multi-threaded, but keeps the IO polling on the main threads. This allows you to run the It provides async with tokio. If benchstat reports no statistically significant change, avoid simply rerunning your benchmarks until it reports a significant change. smol. These are benchmarks collected from the community used to measure the effects of changes to the Go core (compiler, runtime, garbage collector, and libraries). The node code is visibly shorter than Deno code. AFAIK async-std uses a really minimal but less efficient scheduler than tokio. Having said this, when choosing the correct web framework for your frontend or backend development project, it is important to consider what the framework’s community support and growth is like, the stability of the framework, if it is production-ready, and Current benchmark data was generated on Thu Feb 01 2024, full log can be found HERE CONTRIBUTIONS are WELCOME! CPU INFO: [x86_64][4 cores] AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor (Model 1) Jun 24, 2020 · Structure of comparative benchmark. The author benchmarks each language using a simple benchmark test and tests returning a simple string and a JSON string. : C# — 4. Rust currently does not provide an async runtime in the standard library. Requests per Second (Throughput): The Go server is handling nearly double the number of requests per second compared to the Rust server. If you are familiar with [ Go's goroutines ], [ Kotlin's coroutines ], or [ Erlang's processes ], you can Jun 8, 2021 · Or in other words, is there a Rust library which would allow one to translate Go code to Rust code nearly literally, i. Go has a runtime that provides a preemptive threading mechanism that abstracts over OS threads. Apr 14, 2022 · Tokio. 3 min read. Deno also In Rust's case the benchmarks reveal that there are two issues: Database connectivity is really bad: minihttp is 90% and 80% of the best for plaintext and JSON, but falls to 22% for single database queries and then worse after that. com/playlist?list=PLiMWaCMwGJXnHmccp2xl The discussion covers: Glauber’s Rust vs Zig deliberations for the code added to Turso’s fork of SQLite. benchmarking a server requires an even faster client and vice-versa). p99 (99% of 23. On the list of Rust’s major advantages, performance ranks right at the top with safety and ease, and may be the number-one item. 4; async-diesel works with diesel 1. Ping-pong async implementations benchmark [libuv vs mio vs romio vs tokio vs python-asyncio] reveals a bottleneck I have recently bumped into an issue that my Rust server implementation using Romio was 20% slower than Python implementation using asyncio with libuv event loop, so I minimized my benchmark to a ping-pong service . October 13, 2019. txt. 4. . In async-std the FFI to these APIs is isolated to its own thread. Unlike Go, tokio appears to push to the Injector when a thread is currently stealing from the buffer to avoid overflow reads from stealing. Contribute to fundon/smol-tokio-hyper-benchmarks development by creating an account on GitHub. serve the web at warp speeds. So I'm not sure there is anything wrong with axum's performance. I think it is a good, very basic distinction that is worth noting. 5. • 2 yr. 2, 2. 1 Below are the factors based on which these two programming languages will be compared: 3. The benchmark time is set by default to 1 second and can be changed with the -benchtime flag. 2 Disadvantages of Rust: 2 Programming Language “Golang (Go)”. 51 ms, Rust — 4. Jan 17, 2024 · Latency: The Go server has lower average, median, and 99th percentile latencies compared to the Rust server. youtube. AldaronLau. Related videos 👨‍🏫 👉 [Playlist] Kubernetes Tutorials: https://www. go test -bench . 27MB. Bun’s hello world took less time to finish off 10M requests. ·. 85. Also this: When concurrent requests are increased from 1000 to 2000, most implementations have a very high failure rate. axum. Rust without Gc will always lose on small numbers because it free space at the same time it's no longer used. In the following article, we’ll explore the evaluation of the performance of two commonly employed frameworks: Go paired with Gin and Rust coupled with Axum. • 1 yr. > old. 05s, 71. txt: $ go test -bench=Prime -count 5 | tee old. The real latencies are probably more like 50 μs, 10μs, and 40μs. Things in rust are usually in small details like that. If you struggle against the rust compiler and get a benchmark program which consumes 10x more CPU resource than a simple Go snippet, all the advertisement about "tokio being fast, rust being fast, stackless coroutines + zero-cost abstractions being great" gets less convincing. A few people have been throwing around the term library vs framework. p99 — Under Load. While the spelling may be different, the city referred to is the same as Tokyo. If it fails to do it, the process is killed. It provides Apr 21, 2023 · Conclusion. Sep 27, 2022 · Analysis. The benchmark programs evaluated were performed with redis-benchmark, the official benchmark tool for Redis. 2. Since we have 4 different “sub Jul 10, 2018 · TechEmpower's benchmark confirms this: TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks You can see that on Cloud hardware actix-raw outperforms tokio-minihttp. warp. Tokio is designed Apr 5, 2023 · In this article, I’m going to compare Go’s native HTTP server with Rust’s Hyper HTTP server. To evaluate the performance of these lock implementations, we focus on two important runtime properties: throughput and latency. 0 ns/op. This tool provides a statistical analysis of benchmark results, helping you understand the performance differences between two sets of benchmarks. in this scenario i used message passing and a calculate operation first spawn some worker ( number == my cpu core) then sending request to each worker and await for result of each worker and it do simple sum over N counter and then response Result::Ok in rust Rust+Tokio: 61,942 ~ 79,300 (microseconds) Elixir/Beam: 23,393 microseconds after set Rust compiler opt-level = 3 Rust In the following tests, we have measured the performance of several web application platforms, full-stack frameworks, and micro-frameworks (collectively, "frameworks"). Feb 1, 2024 · Current benchmark data was generated on Thu Feb 01 2024, full log can be found HERE. With younger languages, the focus is often more on other things, before the focus on optimizing for speed. The post also discusses the author's reasons for conducting the test and provides a summary of the results. gotham-> A high-level version of hyper. 55 ms, Go — 4. Nov 10, 2023 · Published in. Today, a complete rewrite of the scheduler has been submitted as a pull request. We’ll get to why in a minute, but in terms of memory usage, Go’s memory management and compiled nature makes it very difficult for any runtime/interpreter to compete, even one as May 11, 2020 · In Go, concurrency is accomplished by spawning new goroutines: In the example above, we use the go keyword to signify that we want to run the provided anonymous function in a goroutine. Each of the one million tasks runs an infinite matthunz. Now you have the results from two sets of benchmarks with 10 and 20 runs each. Tokio is based on Rust’s async feature. Between the two, Tokio is an obvious choice for me - simply because it had a bit more time to mature. You are comparing an older more optimized language to a younger one. Another name for this general pattern is green threads. Rust versus Go fastest performance. If you're hesitating, let me give you this advice: use rust if you want speed, else go with Go. Tokio is designed for concurrent io, rayon, or tokio-threadpool for concurrent cpu-bound task. This also means that, Bun’s RPS is more than Rust Oct 19, 2021 · In a single-threaded runtime, these are effectively the same. Mar 24, 2023 · If you simply do # [tokio::main], this is what you will get. -benchmem -count 20 > 20_runs_bench. Tokio exposes an API modelled after previous versions of Tokio, while async-std exposes an API modelled after std . 3. I found that the performance of rust-tokio is very, very poor compared to go-lang. The following scenarios are frequently used in asynchronous programming. In the automatic spawn camp there's both smol Aug 17, 2021 · The postgres and the tokio-postgres crate does not provide any sort of compile time checking. Feb 1, 2024 · Current benchmark data was generated on Thu Feb 01 2024, full log can be found HERE CONTRIBUTIONS are WELCOME! CPU INFO: [x86_64][4 cores] AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor (Model 1) Sep 17, 2022 · Analysis. N roughly matches benchtime: $ go test -bench=. I guess the difference in the TechEmpower benchmarks comes down unrealistic optimizations used in actix-web's json serialization code. 12. May 19, 2022 · However, Tokio's timer only has a resolution of one millisecond. It seems like a good way to get into async programming but tokio should be faster with it's less allocations. 2 Speed Of Developed Website (Performance Of The Website): 3. First, run the benchmark for the old primeNumbers() function implementation and save its output to a file called old. Sep 19, 2022 · Improve this question. One major advantage of the b. Java vs. That is impressive. Feb 1, 2024 · Current benchmark data was generated on Thu Feb 01 2024, full log can be found HERE CONTRIBUTIONS are WELCOME! CPU INFO: [x86_64][4 cores] AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor (Model 1) Sep 19, 2021 · Here is the native ‘hello world’ code in both the runtimes. That to me sounds like there's a base latency of 4. Sort by: Sparkenstein. In Server-side I/O Performance: Node vs. Gin boasts Dec 21, 2022 · Whether you need to send simple HTTP requests or more complex ones with custom headers and authentication, tokio-curl provides a range of features and options to help you get the job done. Sep 18, 2023 · This post compares the performance of Bun, Rust, Go, and Node for handling HTTP requests. 👍 4 LifeIsStrange, chuigda, Xuanwo, and import-yuefeng reacted with thumbs up emoji Crossbeam is a library that provides various concurrency primitives, such as a queue type that allows stealing of work. Benchmark: Setup. Nov 10, 2023. As concurrency increases, Bun’s performance improves when compared to Go’s. I thought his results were very interesting and decided to run them myself. r/rust. 5 times the speed between go rust and nodejs. Go, Peabody finds that Go scale much better than Node. This is the case not only with V, but for other various younger languages when compared to Go. This utility provides a basic task notification mechanism. The tokio channel seems to be the only one of the popular async channels that provides fairness, which makes it inferior to other channels in benchmarks, but works well in production. The first step toward reproducible results and fair evaluation is a stable and dedicated environment. Tech Tonic. N is increased, and the benchmark runs again until b. But Rust’s memory usage did not even budge. 5 ms between the test machine and the K8s cluster. Based on my research, I’ve found that Hyper is the most popular server choice on the Rust side Rayon is a library for running code in parallel. In my testing, Legion Go produced 100% sRGB whereas ROG Ally only ever reached as high as 73% of sRGB. 03 Benchmarks Game. Dec 27, 2019 · When sending the tonic server, it costs about 8-9 seconds to finish, while sending to go server, only 4-5 seconds, I thought it is because of the setting of tokio runtime, so I adjust the parameter in the attribute #[tokio::main(core_threads = 16, max_threads = 32)], but the change of core_threads from 8 to 16 do not change the result. Tokio is a library for async IO operations. com/Vagelis-Prokopiou/yt-web-api-rustRust (nte Dec 31, 2023 · It's all about choosing tech stack. Tokio will decrease the average peak performance of a single core as the number of cores increases; Monoio's peak performance has the best horizontal scalability. x as Nov 10, 2023 · Nov 10, 2023. 54 ms. In stress tests, they find that Aug 25, 2021 · It stated that rust tokio/hyper performance is higher than go http. Go, Sunavec finds that Go can be up to 34% faster than Node. We've been hard at work on the next major revision of Tokio, Rust's asynchronous runtime. I've also been discovering / evaluating async ecosystem in Rust recently. vs C; vs Clang; vs Intel C; vs C++; vs Go Always look at the source code. If you would like to add some, feel free to open a PR ;). There is one major difference in how they are implemented. Ryzen 9 3950x. In this context, throughput refers to the number of lock requests we can Feb 19, 2023 · C# memory usage is certainly higher in this scenario, followed by Go. Its architecture allows to keep high performance with low memory usage no matter how deep and big route tree is. This can cause the Tokio tests to spend a lot longer sleeping than the other tests. 95 Transfer/sec: 146. It provides async with tokio. Typically you'll give it a (parallel) iterator of sorts, and it will distribute the work across a pool of threads. 3 Speed Of Development: Tokio is an event-driven, non-blocking I/O platform for writing asynchronous applications with the Rust programming language. 0. However, it’s obvious from its size and performance benchmarks that you absolutely get what you pay Most of the router benchmarks out there test only against root route, which does not give a great feedback. Save benchmark results to a file: go test -bench=. Tokio futures and streams can only run within tokio itself due to how the executor/waker works with I/O apis like epoll/kqueue/iocp, running on the same thread. dk jv cl dz ge fq nn xc qc se

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