Strapi controllers

Strapi controllers. In you case, you could have something like src/api/<some name of your choice>/routes/<some name of your choise for the router>. The core project, as well as the documentation and any related tool can be found in the Strapi GitHub organization. Questions and Answers. <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version:4. Modifying the "Article" Services . 5 Yarn Version: 1. 0 NPM Version: 10. When we created the chat collection type, Strapi automatically created all the associated routes, controllers, and services. 0: NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> Hi There I’m a newbie to Strapi - trying to extend the API by making my own route and controller method: routes. Problem solved , added _limit =-1 in find controllers function. Update: user can be accessed via: ctx. Aug 24, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. log("createCoreController"); export default factories. Apr 18, 2023 · Custom controller strapi v4. 9. Apr 2, 2022 · You can extending the core controller for api, add your filter or conditions in it. The logic you are looking for is the conditionals system May 31, 2021 · NPX comes with installing NodeJS, and it makes it easy to use CLI tools and other executables hosted on the NPM registry. Thanks to this object, you Jul 12, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. api. Use the populate parameter to populate specific fields and the select parameter to return only specific fields with the query results. Questions and Answers Strapi Backend. By using the following function, Strapi will use the configured provider to send an email Jun 1, 2022 · #Strapi instance. I hope to know how to combine those that two functions. In order to test anything we need to have a strapi instance that runs in the testing eviroment, basically we want to get instance of strapi app as object, similar like creating an instance for process manager. The post includes the system information and the code snippets of the customized controller. 3; Database: MySQL; Node Version: v14. Feb 28, 2021 · You should now have some basic grounding in how to create your own custom Strapi controllers to transform your API response data. phone_number = params. Oct 17, 2020 · I have a field on my Strapi. 15. 6; Operating System: Mac OS Big Sur 11. 14. body. 1 Operating System: Windows Database: sqlite Node Version: 18. 0. derrickmehaffy issue: bug severity: low status: confirmed source: plugin:documentation labels. 3 Operating System: Windows 10 Database: MongoDB Node Version: 12. but it’s just an empty object {} no matter what I sent via postman (Body → raw (JSON)). Now let's move to the routes folder and create a new file Customizing controllers in Strapi is a powerful way to extend the functionality of your API. of too small resolution, vector instead of raster etc. Middleware that filters only relevant versions on the list. Here is docs: Backend customization - Controllers - Strapi Developer Docs. Every JavaScript file located in the . Adding this data to the content-type collection (let’s call it point B). Viewed 10k times 7 I'm using Strapi for my API and Back May 11, 2022 · What are Custom Controllers in Strapi? Controllers stand for C in the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. 5 Operating System: macOs Database: Sqlite Node Version: v18. As it goes hand in hand with the open-source ecosystem, Strapi is open to contributions. But the ones we are Nov 29, 2022 · Services should house the core functionality of an application, such as API calls, database queries, and other operations. createCoreController("api::revision Jun 29, 2020 · Each book in the collection belongs to a user (user content type provided by Strapi). Ensure that the find permission is given to the field (s) for the relation (s) you populate. js, browsers, ) have strict mode by default. json: { &quot;met&hellip; Apr 18, 2022 · I will try to explain my use-case: we keep a copy of all strapi data in another internal database (it is simpler to handle some logic from this other database). vazjoyz January 20, 2021, 6:06am 1. However, the response is not the same as the response from the ‘/articles/:id’ endpoint. They are also available through the strapi. Jul 8, 2021 · For the Admin panel that would be our custom conditionals, which can only be customized in our enterprise edition. I tried to research on how to get all the values of category, I did tried this: Object. 11 Yarn Version: X</details> Hello, Today I’ve wanted to customize the default controller for my content-type but without success. It has two tasks: 1. Dec 8, 2023 · Hi, You can directly type the body since its type is unknown. 1 NPM Version: 8. Hi, I am having the following problem and i please need support. 18</details> I am trying to populate a field based on the value in other fields. The GraphQL Playground is enabled by default for both the development and staging environments but disabled in production environments. routes: [. controllers and strapi. But I got a 404. ctx includes 3 main objects: ctx. 11</details> Hello everyone, I already read doc about env in this link Configurations - Strapi Developer Documentation but I couldn’t figure it out how to use env in controller file. customQuery. 18. 5; NPM Version: 6. js and 02-core-routes. Jan 25, 2021 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>3. This article is based on the Strapi internals, customizing the backend workshop video by Richard from StrapiConf 2022. /create-newsletter"); module. 6. Basically i have an afterCreate lifecycle hook that gets Jul 11, 2023 · I created a custom controller and used the findOne API to retrieve an article from the resource. Nov 17, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. 17 Mar 29, 2021 · Since es6 (back in 2015), modules are strict by default, and we don’t have to add ‘use strict’ to the javascript source files. yarn develop #OR npm run Jan 13, 2021 · Hey @aminta,. find () or super. System Information. A controller is a class or file that contains methods to respond to the request made by Oct 12, 2022 · For completely custom endpoint, you first need to create route. 13. 1</details> Hi, In Strapi 3 all routes were handled in the routes. Controllers are JavaScript files that contain a list of methods, called actions. exports = {. In Strapi v4, controllers export the result of a call to the createCoreController factory function, with or The Strapi back end server is based on Koa. collection-type'). Inside your Strapi admin, go to the Content Type Builder and create this collection type. to add controllers, services, policies, middlewares and more) Extending a plugin's content-types A plugin's Content-Types can be extended in 2 ways: using the programmatic interface within strapi-server. identifier; In this example, we tell Strapi that we can login by entering an email or phone number both are accepted. **. findMany(); ctx. 0 Yarn Version:</details> Having trouble getting the request body in Strapi contoller. mkirkland October 14, 2020, 1:22am 1. js file I am referencing it in the route as item. Aug 31, 2021 · I have completed a shopping cart and can pay to stripe, but I want to be able to know who bought it, so I want to add a feature that allows me to see the user in the strapi backend. In this way, we can understand which user is currently authenticated. Controller actions work just fine for the REST API. Dec 20, 2021 · I will try to explain my use-case: we keep a copy of all strapi data in another internal database (it is simpler to handle some logic from this other database). 0 NPM Version: 6. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 10 months ago. This is just for simplicity sake. When you send requests through the REST API, a context object (ctx) is passed to every element of the Strapi back end (e. 8. { // Path defined with an URL parameter. I have tried their functions separately I will work for the different page. 19</details> I am writing some custom code in the backend of my strapi app. 16. 2. Nov 25, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. To update a controller in Strapi, you typically start by creating a new controller file in the controllers folder of your Strapi project. Jun 1, 2022 · Strapi is an open-source project (see LICENSE file for more information). /api/**/controllers folder will be parsed into the strapi. So I have added a couple of fields to the User table: firstname, lastname, etc and I would like to populate during registration. Select middleware from the list, using keyboard arrows, and press Enter. Choose Add middleware to an existing API from the list Expected behavior. Create a custom route. js controller I am trying to allow anyone to see an article, and the corresponding users's name (but only their name). Feb 24, 2022 · A big help in creating our plugin is the new Plugin API that is useful when working with Strapi’s core code without needing to rewrite files. Inside custom-post. , policies, controllers, services). Well, well, WELL! Turns out, none of the “solutions” worked for me. 14; Yarn Version: 1. npm run develop. This is the case for both factory-controller-actions as well as custom controller actions. Jan 7, 2022 · custom user controller method not being called by strapi. I want to return list of books owned by authenticated user at /users/me/books endpoint. 2 Operating System: windows Database: postgress Node Version: v20. js , we will define our new route like this : Oct 20, 2021 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 3. Nov 11, 2020 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 3. Their roles and permissions are configured in the admin panel. We're storing the JWT ( token. We’re going to be working with the Strapi backend and cover a few aspects of customizations to the Strapi backend. Go to the Content-Types Builder. jwt) and user ID ( data. 6 Operating System: Window 10 Database: MySQL Node Version: 14. ts Also try to remove the cache and dist folder Also try to build the project again. May 23, 2022 · If you said yes, Strapi would have generated the right controller, service, and route with correct and simple names so you don't have to modify it by yourself. js that has no effect either. sqlite3 is used to create an on-disk database that is created and deleted between tests. Lol. The Find Controller in Strapi. We’re touching on controllers, services, policies, webhooks and routes, and others. body = entries; }, })); Here we are extending the core controller to accept an extra function called findAll. js). May 25, 2022 · Great! That works. Nov 15, 2023 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version:4. json. Also, is this how I should access the request body in the first place? I am just trying to manipulate the response a little bit depending on the request Dec 1, 2019 · The route in question is something like this: chats/5de3e056c022b2b3252dab43/messages but I cant seem to find a relatively straightforward way to retrieve the ID (5de3e056c022b2b3252dab43) and its Feb 9, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: Operating System: Database: sqlite Node Version: NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> Hey, I’m creating a custom controller to be used on a custom route. We’ve been able to get the order id, let’s move further to get the user sending the request. A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. 1 NPM Version: Yarn Version: 3. Dec 4, 2020 · I’ve found the solution. but not /api/users directory. Federico_Roberto_Uhr April 18, 2023, 12:24am 1. 2 Operating System: Ubuntu Database: MySQL Node Version: 14. query("api::hello. If you are interested in learning how to modify the default behavior of Strapi controllers, you can join the discussion and share your insights or solutions. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub . To load custom routes before core routes, make sure to name custom routes appropriately (e. 1 Operating System: Database: sqlite Node Version Jun 7, 2023 · How to extend auth controller. 01-custom-routes. Jan 29, 2022 · nohehf January 30, 2022, 4:26pm 3. hello"). yarn create strapi-app strapi-backend --quickstart #OR npx create-strapi-app@latest strapi-backend --quickstart I’m using Strapi v4. Feb 22, 2018 · Strapi will create this folder structure inside your project, those folders are self explanatory config, controllers, models, services We can use them to do more, like add some logique inside May 19, 2022 · On the other hand, I am also thinking to override the existed User. Note: For some controller functions (such as createOrUpdate ), you need to return original (ctx): Sebastian_Sativa. It is an integral part of the Strapi backend, allowing developers to fetch data based on specific queries. 3. findOne () to work. Custom controller that manages saving and creating new versions. Jun 1, 2022 · In your custom controllers or services you may want to send email. They are particularly useful to respect the "don’t repeat yourself" (DRY) programming concept and to simplify controllers logic. The find controller in Strapi is a core component that facilitates the retrieval of entries from a database. Example: I have a content type with fields city = Mumbai and country = India, now I need a third field called market which should have the value Mumbai Dec 6, 2021 · I figured out a workaround for now, turns out I was using the incorrect model name, so the db lifecycle hook does work for the user model (). Sep 17, 2022 · In my custom article. 15 NPM Version: 5. Set the playgroundAlways configuration option to true to also enable the GraphQL Playground in production environments (see plugins configuration documentation). The desired decision would be to add a custom validators to model fields. When you create a new Content Type you will see a new empty controller has been Services are a set of reusable functions. To access the plugin admin panel, click on the Settings link in the left menu of your Strapi In this article, using TypeScript, we'll examine the various systems (services, controllers, and routes) that Strapi has in place to receive and respond to requests. 2 NPM Version: 6. They help to break down the logic in controllers. It is possible to do using extensions to the content-manager plugin but it’s a bit of a dirty solution that we want to get rid of in the v4 (at least the way it’s done right now, possibly replaced by a hook system). My config is (it runs the npm script 'develop' before starting, which in turns runs 'strapi develop', which boots everything) My breakpoints are Thanks for any help! Supertest allows you to test all the api routes as they were instances of http. Content managers and editors can also use Strapi to organize and distribute content across multiple devices and platforms. Dec 14, 2023 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. 0 NPM Version: 8. Of course the core controller already has such a method called find. Dec 6, 2021 · The solution: If you create a new controller through the cli and choose "new api", you don't need the factory. 8 Yarn Version: 1. See below: Assuming the ShadowCRUD is enabled and Strapi generates standard types, queries and mutations for all the content-types. It was built to be framework agnostic, enabling you to use your favorite development tools. values(category); But this did not work instead it threw me a bunch of Module Errors. May 20, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: v4 Operating System: macOS Database: MySQL Node Version: 16. customQuery', Feb 7, 2022 · @Nguyen_Nguyen If you use typescript, try using strapi-server. Every JavaScript file put in these folders will be loaded as a controller. Documentation says: Routes files are loaded in alphabetical order. This question is just like yours: How to set Limit of a relation - Discussions - Strapi Community Forum Dec 14, 2023 · Strapi is an open source headless content management system that allows developers and businesses to manage content efficiently. . The backend customization introduction page May 25, 2022 · This creates a strapi instance with a simple SQLite database. exports May 14, 2022 · In order to strapi know about this function, we need to create files under post/routes the same way as we created a custom controller. This plugin provides a full authentication process based on JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to protect your API. Jan 19, 2022 · Namstel September 8, 2022, 8:52am 3. 1. 1 NPM Version: 9. 4</details> Hello, My client would like to be able to administrate her orders, whether creating or updating them from Strapi’s dashboard. 6 years have been passed since ES6 initial rollout, and all javascript engines and platform (node. (see Routes - Strapi Developer Docs) and then point it to a your controller. Select the option to create a new collection type. 5. In Strapi v3, controllers export an object containing actions that are merged with the existing actions of core API controllers, allowing customization. method: 'GET', path: '/custom-query', handler: 'item. g. identifier; if you want to login with a phone number only. create method. 8 Operating System: Mac OS(Big Sur) Database: MySql Node Version: 14. request. js and by overriding the content-types schemas. But if you’re feeling a bit lazy, within Dec 15, 2021 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4. I’m also running into this problem. update controller for user-permission, but I can’t know the location of the controller. A workaround is to instead use the Service Provider. js admin called category. My customers frequently upload images of wrong size or type e. Controllers are responsible for processing the incoming requests and returning responses to the client. js Oct 14, 2020 · Questions and Answers Strapi Backend. find(params); But I’d love for super. yarn add --dev jest supertest sqlite3. Where is it? System Information. user, and id is ctx. 19. controllerscollection-types and respectively). service('api::collection-type. Tried to use limit =-1 but it didn’t work for my rest api. Now that they are decoupled it created an inconvenience. When there was a need for an additional route, I could Mar 28, 2022 · To find what exists, you can check ; each file there corresponds to the key in plugin. In development mode, go to the Content-Types builder in the Strapi Admin panel. state. 0, controller actions are not triggered for GraphQL queries. After installing the Strapi app, run the following command. &hellip; May 25, 2020 · Strapi custom auth controller. The Community Edition of Strapi offers 3 default roles (Author, Editor, and Super Admin). Give the middleware a name, for instance isOwner. Feb 19, 2022 · Learn how to create a custom controller using Stripe in Strapi V4 and solve the problem of saving data in the database using the service. createNewsletter, }; tw1t611 closed this as completed on Dec 8, 2021. We can get the details of the authenticated users from the [getSession] (https From your project's folder, create a middleware with the Strapi CLI generator, by running the yarn strapi generate (or npm run strapi generate) command in the terminal. 17. 12. If i create /controllers/user. 9, which is the latest at the time of creating this project. Lifecycle hook to be specific and i want to trigger notifications and show it to user. When i overwrite the method “create” inside the controller, the frontend ignores that it has to enter through it. but i don’t access to ctx. To begin, open the Strapi backend in your preferred code editor. 15</details> I’ve edited create() action in controller to append author data to each new entity. 2 Node Version: 16. Jan 14, 2021 · Hey @aminta,. 0 Operating System: Database: Node Version: NPM Version: Yarn Version:</details> In Strapi 4. Jun 17, 2022 · Description:In this video, we show you how you can create three different types of actions on a custom controller in Strapi. Start your Strapi application by running the command below on your CLI. js, this is my code, I wanted to send a confirmation email after user create: Jan 20, 2021 · Limit=-1still return 100 results. js, LegalEntity. Requesting data from another place by calling the controller through the API (let’s call it point A). add test command to scripts section. Each time an item is created/deleted through strapi content-manager, it must be created/deleted in our internal Feb 21, 2022 · In the NextAuth callback function, we're calling the Strapi Authentication API endpoint. Mar 16, 2022 · const entries = await strapi. I need to modify the user-permissions controller for updating (PUT) some user account data. 4. "use strict"; const createNewsletter = require(". Customizing Strapi Services Let's look at how to modify Strapi's services. user. Apr 6, 2022 · Below I’ll outline a few steps to generating slugs for your content in Strapi v4. 4: Windows 10: SqLite: 10. All of the default Strapi controllers return an Object with the ‘attributes’ field, but the controller I created does not have the ‘attributes’ field. Components placed on the side panel that are injected into ‘informations Jun 16, 2021 · However, I have a question on how to access request body from controllers? I tried ctx. I just added another answer to this thread of how I use route middleware to define populate logic below. Server. controllers object. 22. Modified 3 years, 10 months ago. yarn. Getting the User. 0 Yarn Version: 1. request for information about the request sent by the client making an API request, The controllers are defined in each . It also provides an access-control list (ACL) strategy that enables you to manage permissions between groups of users. Found in the docs here: Roles & Permissions - Strapi Developer Docs. And you can remove the if-condition and just write query. We then need some data consistency between strapi db and internal db. Strapi Version: 3. As I know strapi by default limit for results is 100 . id) from the data that the Strapi API sends us. 1 The REST API by default does not populate any relations, media fields, components, or dynamic zones. I would like general advice on the best way to achieve this as I am finding the documentaton so very vague in some Jan 9, 2022 · You don't even need to override the core update method in your controller and the query string will directly be picked up by StrapiV4. js. There is no default controller folder or controller to use to override these actions. interface IBody { data?: { text_field: string; // Your properties } } module. /controllers/order. You should have the following collection. Aug 9, 2021 · I am developing my plugin. If creating the handler seemed like an inordinate amount of work when you can just use something off-the-shelf in your frontend project, bear in mind, you only need to create such a module once and you can then use Jan 15, 2021 · Hey @aminta,. The Strapi team appreciates every contribution, be it a feature In the v3 version there was one place where developers could implement logic shared between REST API and GraphQL -> a controller. 5 NPM Version: 6. 17 Yarn Version:</details> Hi truy to call a modified controller from other modified controller. Jun 20, 2019 · query. 0 Strapi create new plugin plugin generator command does not work. module. In the confimOrder controller, we can get the authenticated Oct 9, 2023 · I have item collection type. I suppose this should be a pretty common problem, but I can’t find any official document on the topic. 2. But in case for some reason you've overridden the core update method from the controller, then you can simply pass the ctx instance to the core update or findOne methods like below: May 25, 2022 · Goal. /api/**/controllers/ folder. Solved, hope this could help other ppl. 19</details> Following documentation I’m trying to extend controller like this: import { factories } from "@strapi/strapi"; console. 2 Operating System: Ubuntu 20 Database: SQlite Node Version: 14. I think it would improve code quality, if Strapi removes this both from its source code and the generate controllers Jun 28, 2023 · One is to store the sessionId as a string and history as JSON. At the last resource, try pulling the new source code and try modify the extension, you will see it work in the new source code and try comparing with your current one May 11, 2021 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 3. Jul 16, 2021 · I will try to explain my use-case: we keep a copy of all strapi data in another internal database (it is simpler to handle some logic from this other database). It turns out that I have two controllers, one responsible for point A, and the other for point B. And no longer do you need to think about the complexities of database setup or content-type configurations. What could be the problem ? vazjoyz January 20, 2021, 10:01am 2. When a new content type was added, all core routes were added to this routes. To see custom API methods. Here's an in-depth look at how the find controller operates within Strapi: Apr 12, 2022 · Hey, that is me and Derrick in the video. 1 Like. await strapi. js Jun 1, 2022 · Every JavaScript or JSON file located in the . I'm trying to get breakpoints to hit in a Strapi custom controller but the breakpoints never change color from red, nor are they hit. id. 2 Yarn Version: N/A</details> I’m trying to use axios inside strapi. # Core controllers. json file. 16 NPM Version: 6. My guess it has something to do with how the ctx object is supposed to be built. Generating all the controllers and APIs is just one yarn strapi generate command away. controllers global variables. To extend the controllers or service of the content-manager you will need to dig into the strapi-plugin-content-manager package and use plugin extensions to (partly) modify the behaviour of the content-manager functions. Jun 17, 2022 · Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is an approach to restricting access to some users. db. Where can I add this route and handler as there is /api/books directory containing books related route, controllers, etc. Next, we'll install and set up all the test tools necessary for unit testing our Strapi application. # strapi. xavi June 7, 2023, 3:22pm 1. In a Strapi application, users of the admin panel are administrators. Your help would be appreciated. 3 NPM Version: 6. To do this I have something like: Nov 16, 2020 · The problem. Since my controller is defined in the controllers/item. By convention, controllers' names should be Pascal-cased, so that every word in the file (include the first one) is capitalized User. In src/index. controllers/forms. Create a new Content Type. json automatically. Each time an item is created/deleted through strapi content-manager, it must be created/deleted in our internal Nov 13, 2023 · Wrapping it all up, Strapi offers you a rigid well-structured framework for creating routes and controllers. /config folder will be parsed into the strapi. First, we create a completely cu Nov 17, 2021 · Strapi V4 controllers customization is a forum post where a user asks how to override the create action of a controller in Strapi V4. Can anyone tell me if this is by Nov 13, 2023 · The Strapi CLI command, yarn strapi generate, offers several different things that you’re able to generate including basic APIs, custom Controllers for APIs, and Middlewares. Thanks. Once this is done add this to package. The diagram represents a simplified version of how a request travels through the Strapi back end, with services highlighted. It is nice for you to see that you have the freedom to modify your files first but for your next content-type, you might want to answer yes to this question. Apr 6, 2023 · I’ve found the solution. Returns an object of the controllers which is available in the project. controllers. 1. export const query = graphql` { allStrapiWorks { nodes { id name slug category stack { stack_name id } featured_image { childImageSharp { fluid { Feb 18, 2020 · Basically what the title says. npm. It should return all the events for current user. Users & Permissions plugin. config object. Each time an item is created/deleted through strapi content-manager, it must be created/deleted in our internal Jan 1, 2022 · <details><summary>System Information</summary>Strapi Version: 4 Operating System: MacOS Database: sqlite / Postgress Node Version: v16. So which is the proper way to add a custom validation rules and to show user extending the plugin's interface (e. eq yb uq yn ho ap oc wb nv hy